

Signed on In force on Title
3 September 1783 12 May 1784 The Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship, between his Britannic Majesty, and the United States of America
10 July 1815 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-Bernbourg and Anhalt-Coethen
14 July 1815 24 January 1816 Treaty of Subsidy between Great Britain and Denmark.
2 August 1815 Convention between Great Britain and Austria, Prussia and Russia, concerning the custody of Napoleon Bonaparte
1 September 1815 31 January 1816 Treaty of Accession of Denmark to Treaty of Alliance Signed At Vienna, 25th March 1815
30 November 1831 16 December 1831 Convention Between His Majesty And The King Of The French, For The More Effectual Suppression Of The Traffic In Slaves.
22 March 1833 12 April 1833 Supplementary Convention Between His Majesty And The King Of The French, For The More Effectual Suppression Of The Traffic In Slaves.
30 March 1836 Convention between His Britannic Majesty and the King of the French, for extending the facilities of Communication by Post between their respective Dominions
10 May 1839 Additional Post Office Convention between Great Britain and France
2 August 1839 2 August 1839 Convention between Great Britain and France, for defining and regulating the Limits of the Exclusive Right of the Oyster and other Fishery on the Coasts of Great Britain and of France
3 November 1851 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Establishment of International Copyright
31 March 1853 Agreement between Great Britain and France for fixing the Limits of Jurisdiction and other Rights of the French Government on the Territory of the French Settlement of Chandernagore in Bengal
31 March 1853 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Manufacture and Sale of Spirituous Liquors by the French within the British Cantonment of Masulipatam
3 August 1854 Agreement between Great Britain and France, relative to the Coal Mines at Heraclea
12 December 1854 Convention between Great Britain and France, additional to the Convention of April 3, 1843, relative to Post Office Arrangements
10 July 1855 Declaration between Great Britain and France, relative to the Division of Trophies and Booty
10 December 1855 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the reciprocal transmission of Printed Papers by Post
30 March 1856 Convention between Russia and Turkey, limiting their Naval Force in the Black Sea
30 March 1856 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Sardinia on the one part, and Turkey on the other part, respecting the Straits of the Dardanelles and of the Bosphorus
30 March 1856 General Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, for the Re-establishment of Peace
30 March 1856 Convention between Great Britain, France, and Russia respecting the Aland Islands
15 April 1856 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, and France, guaranteeing the Independence and Integrity of the Ottoman Empire
16 April 1856 Declaration respecting Maritime Law, signed by the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in Congress at Paris - April 16, 1856
24 September 1856 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Communication by Post
4 March 1857 2 May 1857 Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and Persia [IRAN]
26 May 1857 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Switzerland, relative to Neuchatel
19 June 1857 Treaty between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, relative to the Frontier in Bessarabia, the Isle of Serpents, and the Delta of the Danube
19 August 1858 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia and Turkey, relative to the Organisation of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, with two Annexes thereto
23 January 1860 Treaty of Commerce, between Great Britain and France
22 February 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France relative to Joint Captures in China
25 February 1860 Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, Janaury 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
27 June 1860 Second Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, January 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
25 July 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Emigration of Labourers from India to the Colony of Reunion
5 September 1860 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, respecting Measures to be taken for the Pacification of Syria
12 October 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce of January 23, 1860, with a Tariff annexed thereto
16 November 1860 Convention between Great Britain and France, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce of January 23, 1860, with a Tariff annexed thereto
19 March 1861 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey, prolonging the occupation of Syria to June 5, 1861
1 July 1861 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to the Emigration of Labourers from India to the French Colonies
14 November 1861 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the conveyance to France, and to other Countries through France, of Letters from Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds, and Bradford
10 March 1862 Declaration between Great Britain and France, engaging reciprocally to respect Independence of the Sultans of Muscat and Zanzibar
30 April 1862 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Joint Stock Companies
8 November 1864 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, regulating the Drawbacks on Sugar
18 July 1867 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Fisheries with an Additional Article, a Schedule, and a Chart thereto
11 November 1867 13 July 1868 Convention between Great Britain and France, relative to Fisheries in the Seas between Great Britain and France
4 November 1868 Declaration signed by the Representatives of Great Britain, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, confirming the Arrangement made at the Hague, August 21, 1868, relative to Sugar Drawbacks
29 June 1869 Declaration between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands, cancelling part of Art.VII of the Treaty of July 10, 1851, relative to British Whale Ships, and continuing the remaining Articles of the Treaty for 7 Years
21 September 1869 Additional Convention to the Postal Convention between Great Britain and France
27 December 1869 Declaration signed by the Representatives of Great Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, confirming the Arrangements made at the Hague, October 5, 1869
30 April 1870 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Establishment of a System of Post Office Money Orders
29 January 1873 Declaration amending Tariff annexed to Treaty of November 5, 1872
11 April 1873 Declaration correcting errors made in Tariff annexed to the Declaration of January 29, 1873
20 May 1875 20 December 1875 Convention on the International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System
14 August 1876 31 May 1878 Treaty between Her Majesty and the French Republic for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals [France]
1 June 1878 Convention for the formation of the Universal Postal Union
10 October 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging the Duration of the existing Treaties of Commerce and Navigation between the two Countries
28 January 1880 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for increasing the Limits of Weight and the Dimensions of Packets of Patterns of Merchandize exchanged through the Post between the two Countries
23 June 1881 13 January 1883 Treaty between Great Britain and [El] Salvador, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
21 September 1881 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging till 8th February, 1882, the Commercial Treaties, &c., between Great Britain and France
4 February 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging to the 1st March, 1882, the Declaration of the 21st September, 1881, for the prologation of the existing Commercial Treaties between the two Countries
28 February 1882 Convention between Great Britain and France, to regulate the Commercial and Maritime Relations between the two Countries
28 February 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging till the 15th May, 1882, the Commercial Treaties between the two Countries, except as regards Tariff Stipulations
28 June 1882 28 June 1882 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the settlement of Territorial Limits to the North of Sierra Leone
8 December 1882 1 January 1883 Convention between Her Majesty and the President of the French Republic for the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders
9 December 1882 Detailed Regulations for the execution of the Convention between Great Britain and France of the 8th December, 1882, for the Exchange of Money Orders
20 March 1883 6 July 1884 Convention between Belgium, Brazil, France, Guatemala, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Salvador, Servia, Spain and Switzerland, for the Protection of Industrial Property [Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property]
26 April 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and France, to regulate the Postal Relations between France and the Australasian Colonies by means of English and French Packets
14 March 1884 1 May 1888 Convention between Great Britain, the Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, United States, and Uruguay, for the Protection of Submarine Cables
26 April 1884 Arrangement between the British and French Commissioners containing regulations for preventing and regulating disputes relative to the exercise of the fishery on the coasts of Newfoundland, without touching the treaties at present in force.
7 October 1884 Agreement between the British and French Governments, respecting Mixed Marriages in the United Kingdom between British and French Citizens
16 September 1885 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Post Office money Orders between the Island of Malta and France
14 November 1885 Arrangement between the Governments of Great Britain and France for preventing and regulating disputes relative to the exercise of fishing on the coasts of Newfoundland, with map annexed, Statement annexed respecting Article II of Arrangement, Proces-Verbal declaring that arrangement is to replace that signed at Paris April 26, 1884
11 May 1886 Arrangement between Great Britain and France Post Offices prolonging duration of Telegraph Agreement of July 25, 1879
18 June 1886 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels
1 December 1886 1 May 1888 Declaration of the Plenipotentiaries of the Signatory Governments of the Convention of the 14 March, 1884, for the Protection of Submarine Cables, explanatory of Articles II and IV of the Convention
7 July 1887 7 July 1887 Protocol signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Signatory Governments of the Convention of March 14, 1884 for the Protection of Submarine Cables, respecting the date on which the Convention should be put into force.
13 July 1887 5 December 1887 Declaration between Great Britain and France for the Purpose Of Terminating the Literary and Artistic Convention of November 3, 1851, and the Additional Act of August 11, 1875.
21 September 1887 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between France and certain British Colonies
16 November 1887 Convention between Great Britain and France regarding the New Hebrides
30 May 1888 Declaration between Great Britain and France, for the Abrogation of the Declaration of the 19th June 1847, respecting the Islands to the leeward of Tahiti
7 September 1888 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between the Island of Mauritius and France
10 August 1889 Arrangement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Delimitation of the English and French Possessions on the West Coast of Africa
23 October 1889 23 January 1890 Declaration between Great Britain and France, respecting the Disposal of the Proceeds of Wrecks on their respective Coasts
31 December 1889 16 May 1890 Arrangement between Great Britain and France, extending to Tunis the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and France of August 14, 1876
8 May 1890 Convention between Great Britain and France, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels between France and the Island of Cyprus
5 June 1890 1 July 1890 Agreement between the Post Office of Great Britain and the Post Office of Roumania, for the Exchange of Money Orders
21 June 1890 Regulations annexed to the International Telegraph Convention of St. Petersburg of 22 July 1875 (Revision)
26 June 1891 26 June 1891 Agreement between Great Britain and France, for the Demarcation of Spheres of Influence in Africa (Niger Districts)
17 December 1891 23 May 1892 Treaty between Great Britain and Monaco for the Extradition of Criminals
9 June 1892 Proces-Verbal relative to the Sanitary Conference of Venice of January 30, 1892. Signed by Great Britain, France and Austria
6 February 1893 Agreement regulating the Commercial relations between Canada and France in respect of Customs Tariffs
27 February 1893 Agreement between Great Britain and France for the Establishment of an Express Delivery Service
12 July 1893 Arrangement between Great Britain and France fixing the Boundary between the British and French Possessions on the Gold Coast
31 July 1893 Protocols and Agreement between Great Britain and France respecting Territories in the Region of the Upper Mekong
3 April 1894 International Sanitary Convention (1894) [with Declaration]
6 November 1894 Agreement between the Post Offices of Great Britain and France, for Increasing the Limit of Weight of Parcels exchanged by Parcel Post
21 January 1895 Agreement between Great Britain and France fixing the Boundary between the British and French Possessions to the North and East of Sierra Leone
29 June 1895 Protocol respecting proposed International Convention for Protection of Wild Birds useful to Agriculture
9 July 1895 Additional Convention supplementary to the Convention of June 18, 1886, respecting the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Great Britain and France
13 February 1896 6 March 1896 Convention between Great Britain and France, Amending Articles VII and IX of the Extradition Treaty of the 14th August, 1876
4 May 1896 Declaration of certain provisions (Convention of Berne of 09.09.1886, and of the Additional Act of 04.05.1896)
4 May 1896 Additional Act Modifying the International Copyright Convention of September 9, 1886
18 September 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France relative to Tunis
1 December 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Australia and France
1 December 1897 Convention between Great Britain and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between India and France
24 December 1897 Convention Between Great Britain and France respecting the Employment in Reunion of Indian Labourers
29 March 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Greece, and Russia to facilitate the Conclusion of a Loan by the Greek Government
13 April 1898 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Express Delivery of Parcels
14 June 1898 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Delimitation of their Respective Prossessions to the West of the Niger, and of their Respective Possessions and Spheres of Influence to the East of that River [together with a Declaration completing the Same]
24 December 1898 Additional Convention to the Convention of December 1, 1897, between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Postal Parcels between Australia and France
8 November 1899 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France for the exchange of Press Telegrams by night at reduced rates
17 February 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and France regulating the Telegraphic Communication between the Two Countries
4 April 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Establishment of a Parcel Post Service between France and the British Colonies of Ceylon, Kong Kong, and the Straits Settlements
16 May 1900 Additional Convention supplementary to the Convention of September 7, 1888 respecting the Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post between France and Mauritius
10 October 1900 Agreement Additional to the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of December 8, 1882, relative to the Exchange of Telegraph Money Orders between the Two Countries
3 April 1901 Convention between the United Kingdom and France referring to Arbitration the Settlement of Differences in connection with the Waima and 'Sergent Malamine' Incidents
11 December 1901 Agreement additional to the Postal Convention between the United Kingdom and France of August 30, 1890
29 July 1902 Convention regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and France
22 October 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Insured and Uninsured Parcels between France and the British Colony of Gibraltar
20 May 1903 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Lease of a Piece of Land situated on the Mouth of the Niger known as the Forcados River
20 May 1903 Agreement between Great Britain and France, respecting the Lease of a Piece of Land situated at the Junction of the Doko with Niger (Badjibo)
3 December 1903 International Sanitary Convention (1903)
20 April 1904 Agreement Additional to the Money Order Convention of December 8, 1882, between the United Kingdom and France
18 May 1904 International Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
6 December 1905 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Telegraphic Communication between Mauritius and Reunion
30 June 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to Money Order Convention of September 21, 1887
30 June 1906 Convention between the United Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and various French Colonies
19 October 1906 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France relative to the Frontier between the British and French Possessions from the Gulf of Guinea to Niger
30 March 1907 1 April 1907 Additional Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Parcel Post Service between British India and France
19 September 1907 Supplementary Convention to the Convention regulating the Commercial Relations between Canada and France
19 September 1907 Convention regulating the Commercial Relations between Canada and France
23 October 1907 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Travellers Samples
17 October 1908 29 July 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and France modifying Article 2 of the Extradition Treaty of August 14, 1876
3 July 1909 Convention between the United Kingdom and France in regard to Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
29 July 1909 17 October 1909 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France Applying to Tunis the Supplementary Extradition Convention of October 17, 1908
11 October 1909 Convention with respect to the International Circulation of Motor Vehicles
12 October 1909 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France confirming the Protocol of the Conference held at Paris March 11 - 23, 1909, respecting the Laws and Regulations for the Security of Navigation
1 December 1909 Convention concerning the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between New Zealand and France
11 January 1910 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France Abrogating the Agreement of November 8, 1899, respecting the Exchange of Press Telegrams
4 May 1910 8 August 1912 International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
4 May 1910 International Agreement for the Suppression of Obscene Publications
22 December 1910 Additional Articles to the Convention of August 24, 1889, for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and Tunis
29 December 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Postal Rates between New Zealand and French Oceania
17 January 1912 International Sanitary Convention (1912)
5 February 1912 Agreement between United Kingdom and France regulating the Telephone Service between the two Countries
12 March 1912 Exchange of Notes concerning the registration of Lunatics
6 July 1912 Protocol between the United Kingdom and France respecting the Application of the Additional Articles of the Commercial Convention of 1826 to Certain Parts of His Britannic Majesty's Dominions
25 October 1913 Convention regarding Creation of an International Association 'de l'Heure'
22 November 1913 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and France
31 January 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Money Orders between the Seychelles and Madagascar
23 December 1916 Declaration between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Parcels by Post between New Zealand and the French Settlements of Oceania
23 December 1916 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between Mauritius and Madagascar
4 October 1917 Agreement between Great Britain and France respecting the Liability to Military Service of British Subjects in France and French Citizens in Great Britain
26 November 1918 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting British War Graves in France
19 August 1919 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and France
22 August 1919 Convention, Creation of Direct and Rapid Communication between certain European Countries and the East ('Simplon - Orient Express Convention')
8 September 1919 Convention between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to the Declaration of March 21, 1899, and the Convention of June 14, 1898, respecting the Boundaries West and East of the Niger [with map]
13 October 1919 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation
9 December 1919 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Roumania
9 February 1920 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitsbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway
1 May 1920 Addditional Protocol to the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919
21 June 1920 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration
5 July 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Denmark relative to Slesvig
20 October 1920 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and France relative to Air Navigation
22 October 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and France regarding the Assessment and Payment of Claims etc in Connection with the use of Land in France for British Military Railway Installations
26 October 1920 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Roumania regarding Compensation in respect of Property of British Landowners Expropriated in virtue of Roumanian Expropriation Law to be Paid Direct to H.M.G
27 October 1920 Decision [of Ambassadors' Conference] constituting DANZIG a Free City
28 October 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Roumania respecting Bessarabia
23 December 1920 23 December 1920 Convention between Great Britain and France for the settlement of certain points connected with the Mandates for Syria and the Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia
21 January 1921 Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868
29 January 1921 Trade Agreement between France and Canada
23 July 1921 Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of December 1, 1909, respecting the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders between New Zealand and France
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of March 8, 1883, respecting the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between British India and France
3 September 1921 Agreement Additional to the Convention between Great Britain and France of September 16, 1885, respecting the Exchange of Postal Money Orders between Malta and France
9 November 1921 Declaration concerning Frontiers of Albania, recognition of special interest of Italy
31 March 1922 Additional Protocol signed at Paris dated 31.03.1922 to the Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube, signed at Paris July 23, 1921, Prolonging the period for the deposit of ratifications until June 30, 1922
15 December 1922 Notes Exchanged between the British and French Governments respecting the New Hebrides Protocol of August 6, 1914
15 December 1922 Commercial Convention between Canada and France
16 December 1922 Interpretation of Article 22 of the Protocol of August 6, 1914 respecting the New Hebrides
7 March 1923 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hamme
29 March 1923 Additional Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868
25 May 1923 Agreement regarding the Reimbursement of Costs of American Army of Occupation
29 August 1923 Renewal of the Existing Arbitration Agreement between Great Britain and France
29 September 1923 Declaration by the British and French Governments respecting Oyster Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Seas lying between the Coasts of Great Britain and those of France
23 November 1923 6 August 1924 Protocol permitting Roumania to sign the Convention relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers, so long as the Treaty of Peace with Turkey, dated 24 July 1923, shall not have come into force.
23 November 1923 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan relative to The Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers together with Protocol providing for Signature by Roumania and Protocol 01:08:1928 Permitting Roumania to sign the above Protocol before 1 October 1928
11 December 1923 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary Modifying the Convention between the British and Hungarian Governments of Dec. 20, 1921, in so far as it relates to the Periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder
18 December 1923 Convention regarding the Organisation of the Statute of the Tangier Zone
25 January 1924 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals [ EPIZOOTICS ]
8 May 1924 Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory and the Statute of the Memel Territory.
22 November 1924 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919.
29 November 1924 29 October 1927 Agreement for the Establishment, in Paris, of an International Wine Office, with Protocol of Signature
5 January 1925 Exchange of Notes for Reciprocal facilities to be granted to British and French Naval Ratings passing respectively through French and British territory
14 January 1925 Agreement with Protocols respecting the distribution of the Dawes Annuities
21 September 1925 Agreement respecting Amounts to be allocated out of 2nd. Dawes Annuity for Armies of Occupation, Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission and Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany
27 November 1925 1 October 1927 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation [with Protocol of signature]
24 April 1926 24 October 1930 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic
5 May 1926 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Belgium and France relative to Customs Regulations applicable to Air Traffic
7 May 1926 Protocol constituting an Agreement for the application of Article 198 of the Treaty of Versailles concerning Control of Aerial Navigation on Germany
22 May 1926 Protocol concerning Articles 108 to 117 of General Act of Congress of Vienna of June 9, 1815 to continue to govern regime of Belgium and Netherlands waterways
22 May 1926 Treaty replacing Treaties signed at London, April 19, 1839 concerning the Status of Belgium
19 June 1926 1 January 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Islands
21 June 1926 31 May 1928 International Sanitary Convention (1926)
2 November 1926 Disposal of German Vessels seized by Uruguay during the war
13 January 1927 Agreement relating to Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Anmities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for period April 1, 1926 - January 10, 1930
17 February 1927 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France regarding certain amendments to be made in the New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1924
31 March 1927 Agreement and Notes concerning Aerial Navigation in Bulgaria - application of Aritcle 89 of Treaty of Neuilly
19 May 1927 15 August 1927 Agreement and Protocol concerning Aerial Navigation in Hungary - application of Article 128 of Trianon Treaty
16 July 1927 Agreement concerning Anti-Diphtheritic Serum
31 August 1927 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government confirming the Agreement of August 18, 1927, regarding the Administration of the New Hebrides (No card)
27 October 1927 Agreement and Notes concerning Aerial Navigation in Austria - application of Article 144 of St. Germain Treaty
16 May 1928 Arrangement respecting the Admission of Student Employees into France and Great Britain with additional Exchanges of Notes respecting other employees and Confirming the Arrangement
12 June 1928 1 January 1928 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government for the Exchange of Money Orders between Britain and Northern Ireland and Syria, the Lebanon, etc.
14 June 1928 Protocol Disposal of unused balances of sums allocated to Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission under Article 2 of the Agreement of 13 January 1927 concerning Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Annuities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation
25 July 1928 Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute with Agreements and Special Provisions, together with Exchanges of Notes
1 August 1928 Protocol permitting signature by Romania of Turkish Reparation Convention of November 23, 1923
1 August 1928 Protocol permitting Roumania to sign under the Protocol, signed at Paris on 23.11.1923, permitting Roumania to sign the Convention relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by the Nationals of the Contracting Powers, before 01.10.1928.
27 August 1928 24 July 1929 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy
22 November 1928 17 January 1931 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions
13 March 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government Modifying the Agreement of August 18, 1927, in regard to the New Hebrides
15 May 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria With Detailed Regulations
21 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant
15 June 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 37, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
17 July 1929 Exchange of Notes concerning Demilitarisation of the Rhineland Railways
2 August 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage
3 October 1929 Protocol concerning Procedure for Settlement of Outstanding Questions between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Soviet Union, such Procedure to become Operative after the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations
11 December 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 34 and 40 of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
20 December 1929 Protocol to the International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions
15 February 1930 Protocol Memel Territory - Settlement of Expenditure connected with Occupation
28 April 1930 Agreement No. II concerning the settlement of questions relating to the agrarian reforms and Mixed Arbitral Tribunals
28 April 1930 Agreement No. IV - Agreement between France, Great Britain, Italy, Roumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia concerning the constitution of a special fund entitled 'Fund B'
28 April 1930 Agreement No. I concerning the arrangements between Hungary and the Creditor Powers
28 April 1930 Agreement No. III concerning the Organisation and Working of an Agrarian Fund entitled 'Fund A'. With Annexes A, B, C and D
10 June 1930 International Agreement in regard to the German 5.5 per Cent. Loan, 1930
1 August 1930 Convention concerning Anti-Diphtheritic Serum
21 August 1930 Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty the King of Italy regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War with Declaration and Protocol of Signature
4 September 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the amendment of the Protocol of August 6, 1914, in regard to the New Hebrides
27 November 1930 5 July 1931 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa and the Prince of Monaco for the extension to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of December 17, 1891 in regard to Extradition
31 October 1931 Protocol and Exchange of Notes regarding the Frontier between Transjordan and Syria and Jebel Druze
15 December 1931 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government amending the Regulations Approved by the Exchange of Notes of August 29, 1907, in regard to the New Hebrides
13 July 1932 Declaration made by the Republic of France regarding Future European Co-operation, including (4) no discrimination in commercial matters
19 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France concerning Reciprocal Exemption from Income of Shipping Profits
29 July 1933 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Government of India, and the French regarding Deportations from Certain British and French Territories
18 January 1934 16 May 1936 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters with Protocol
17 February 1934 Declaration concerning Independence and Integrity of Austria
12 June 1934 12 June 1934 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes
29 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France Supplementary to the Agreement of May 12, 1933 regarding Trade
22 December 1934 1 January 1934 International Agreements for dispensing with Bills of Health and Consular Visas on Bills of Health
11 February 1935 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic.
20 March 1936 Exchange of notes between Canada and France Supplementary to Additional Protocol of February 26, 1935
15 April 1936 4 May 1940 Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic Supplementary to the Convention of February 2, 1922 to facilitate the conduct of Legal Proceedings [With Protocol of Signature]
28 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
3 April 1937 3 June 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legalisation of certain Official Documents
31 May 1937 International Agreement modifying the International Convention of June 21, 1920 for the establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration
16 July 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Importation of Raffia of French origin and of British East African Coffee and New Zealand Kauri Gum
2 August 1937 Exchange of Notes Prolonging the Agreement concerning Admission of Student Employees into Great Britain and France of May 16, 1928
30 September 1937 Agreement Piracy in the Mediterranean (Supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement)
14 October 1937 15 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis
14 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis
13 December 1937 Exchange of Notes between Eire and Belgium concerning Commerce - Prolongation of Arrangement of 28 December 1936 and 6 January 1937 for 12 months from 1 December 1937
12 January 1938 12 January 1938 Additional Protocol to the Convention of June 12, 1934 relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes
15 July 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the French Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
18 July 1938 Treaty, Protocol and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France (Morocco) concerning Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and the French and Tangier Zones of Morocco
6 October 1938 Protocol and Annex regarding the International List of Causes of Death - Revision of Arrangement of 19 June 1934
25 October 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the French Government regarding Aerial Navigation on the Antarctic
28 October 1938 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and France
31 October 1938 24 July 1939 International Sanitary Convention (1938) modifying the International Sanitary Convention of June 21, 1926
4 November 1938 Abrogation of Commercial Convention of 9 December, 1856 (Morocco) & new Customs Regulations in French Zone of Morocco
8 November 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Military Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants
3 December 1938 31 January 1940 International Act concerning Intellectual Co-operation
20 December 1938 Exchange of Notes between Canada and France regarding Conditional Agreement to Abrogation of (i) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of December 9, 1856 as between French and Tangier Zones of Morocco and Canada and (ii) Chapter V of Act of Algeciras of April 7, 1906
22 December 1938 Exchange of Notes concerning Commerce, Coal quotas under Commercial Agreement of June 27, 1934
28 December 1938 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British War Memorials
8 June 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government extending to Burma the Agreement of July 15, 1938 regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
13 September 1939 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the French Telegraph Cable between Mauritius and Reunion
8 October 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health
12 December 1939 Agreement Finances - Exchange Rates, Loans &c
8 January 1940 a) Arrangement relating to the Loan of #25.0 Million Sterling at 4 per cent., 1939, and b) Arrangement relating to the Loan of #15.0 Million Sterling at 3 per cent., 1939, and c) Agreement regarding a Loan of #2.0 Million, and d) Agreement Additional to the Agreement of September 2, 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing
30 April 1940 Convention between France and South Africa regarding the Transfer to France of 1914/18 War Memorial site at Bois-Delville
7 June 1940 Financial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium [and Anglo-Franco-Belgian Protocol]
27 March 1945 1 March 1945 Financial Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and France with Annex
14 July 1945 Agreement concerning the Control of Travel across German Frontiers in and out of the United Kingdom, the United States and French Zones of Ocupation in Germany
6 August 1945 General Protocol regarding Cessation of Swiss Protection of British interests in France
31 August 1945 Anglo-French Agreement for the Re-establishment of the International Administration of Tangier
31 August 1945 Final Act of Conference concerning Tangier (Re-establishment of International Regime) and Annex - Anglo-French Agreement for the Re-establishment of the International Administration of Tangier
19 October 1945 14 November 1946 Agreement between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic for Relief from Double Taxation in certain circumstances of Individuals in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in France respectively
26 October 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Application of Mutual Aid Protocol of 8 February 1944 and Agreements of 25 August 1944 to expenditure incurred in ports in France and the United Kingdom in connection with ships under the control of the Ministry of War Transport and French Government respectively
5 November 1945 26 September 1946 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
24 November 1945 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France
21 December 1945 Final Act and Draft Agreement concerning Reparation Conference, Paris 9th Nov. - 21st Dec. 1945
14 January 1946 24 January 1946 Agreement on Reparation from Germany, on the Establishment of an Inter-Allied Reparation Agency and on the Restitution of Monetary Gold
13 March 1946 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France [Agreement of 12 November 1945 and Appendices]
27 March 1946 Protocol and Inventory between the United Kingdom and Switzerland concerning Transfer from Switzerland to United Kingdom of responsibility for Protection of Iraqi Interests in France
8 May 1946 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government concerning the Supply of certain Aircraft and Equipment to France (and Appendices)
16 May 1946 Protocol concerning Revision of Italian Armistice Terms
19 June 1946 21 June 1946 Exchange of Notes terminating the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French National Committee on the Defence of the Island of Madagascar and its Dependencies and the Island of Reunion signed at London on 14 December 1942
28 August 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Time-Limit in Article 1 of the Anglo-French Agreement of the 29th August ,1945, Concerning Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property.
10 February 1947 10 February 1947 Protocol on the Establishment of a Four-Power Naval Commission, the Disposal of Excess Units of the Italian Fleet, and the Return by the Soviet Union of Warships on Loan [with Annex]
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Roumania
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Hungary
10 February 1947 15 September 1947 Treaty of Peace with Finland
10 June 1947 Agreement (with Exchange of Letters) between the United Kingdom and France concerning the Recruitment of Displaced Persons of non-German origin in Germany and Austria and application of Agreement to Displaced Persons of German origin residing in British and French zones in Austria
14 June 1947 Agreement between the Governments of the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia on a Plan for Allocation of a Reparation Share to non-repatriable Victims of German Action
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes [With Final Protocol]
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Arrangement, with Final Protocol. Regulations and Forms, concerning Postal Parcels, including Dispositions, Final Protocol and Annex concerning Postal Parcels by Air Mail
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Universal Postal Convention [With Final Protocol and Annex, and Provisions for Letters by Air Mail and Final Protocol to Provisions]
29 September 1947 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and France regarding the Recruitment of free German Labour in British zone of Germany for work in France
2 March 1948 30 June 1948 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
17 March 1948 Exchange of Notes and Annexes in the form of an Agreement concerning the Settlement of Financial Claims in connection with Shipping and Accounts between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France
16 April 1948 28 July 1948 Final Act of the Second Session of the Committee of European Economic Co-operation together with the Convention, Annex and Supplementary Protocols Nos. I and II
19 April 1948 19 April 1948 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic regarding Facilities, etc., for British Armed Forces pending their Final Withdrawal from French Territory [With Annex and Exchanges of Notes]
19 April 1948 19 April 1948 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic regarding Reciprocal Military Air Transit Facilities [with Annexes and Exchanges of Notes]
10 May 1948 Protocol modifying the International Convention relating to Exhibitions of 22nd November, 1928
5 June 1948 Agreement between France and the Republic of Ireland regarding Trade
11 June 1948 5 July 1948 Agreement on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic [with Protocols and Exchanges of Notes] [Does Not Apply to Northern Ireland]
10 September 1948 Declaration of Human Rights
16 October 1948 Protocol of Provisional Application of Agreement of 16th October 1948 regarding Intra European Payments and Compensations
16 October 1948 Agreement and Annexes regarding Intra European Payments and Compensations
19 November 1948 1 December 1949 Protocol bringing under International Control Drugs outside the scope of the Convention of 13th July, 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs as amended by the Protocol of 11th December, 1946
9 December 1948 9 December 1948 Protocol amending the International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, signed at Geneva on 14 December 1928 (with Annex)
9 December 1948 12 January 1951 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
7 February 1949 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex IV - Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization]
22 March 1949 23 April 1949 Protocol on the Rectification of Western German Frontiers
31 March 1949 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the Intra-European Payments and Compensation Agreement of 16th October 1948
2 June 1949 Memorandum regarding Estimates of Balance of Payments between France and Sterling Payments Areas for July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1949
20 June 1949 Charter Allied High Commission for Germany
29 June 1949 4 July 1949 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Greek Government establishing additional drawing rights in favour of Greece for the Purpose of the European Payments Agreement of 16th October, 1948 (with decision of the Council of European Economic Co-operation on 4th July, 1949)
2 September 1949 10 September 1952 General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 2]
7 September 1949 Loan Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium [with Annexes and Protocol]
7 September 1949 Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations for 1949-50, with Protocol of Provisional Application
7 November 1949 27 April 1951 Convention on Social and Medical Assistance between the Brussels Treaty Powers Paris, 7th November, 1949 and the Supplementary Agreement to give effect to the Convention - With Annexes Brussels, 17th April, 1950
7 November 1949 15 May 1951 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to Extend and Co-ordinate Social Security Schemes in their application to Nationals of the Parties to the Brussels Treaty
1 December 1949 Memorandum regarding the disposal of unused drawing rights for France established under the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations of 16th October 1948
15 December 1949 Memorandum regarding the disposal of unused drawing rights for the Bizone and French Zone of Germany established under the Agreement for Intra-European Payments and Compensations Agreement of the 16th October, 1948
13 January 1950 13 January 1950 Exchange of Notes between France and New Zealand concerning Repayment of Advances made to France in respect of Military Expenditure during the years 1940/45
23 January 1950 7 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Republic relating to Compensation for Disablement or Death due to War Injury suffered by Civilians
28 January 1950 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Reciprocal Application of Social Security Schemes of France and Northern Ireland [with Protocols]
30 January 1950 Declaration by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Norway and Sweden approving recommendations for closer economic co-operation between their respective members [With Report and Appendix]
22 April 1950 22 April 1950 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the Agreement of 7 September 1949 for Intra-European Payments and Compensations for 1949-50
22 June 1950 United Kingdom/Turkey Finance Joint Declaration
19 September 1950 Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
6 October 1950 1 January 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding non-scheduled commercial Air Services between United Kingdom and French Territories
6 October 1950 Exchange of Notes between Austria and the Republic of Ireland regarding Trade
9 October 1950 Arrangement regarding the Cancellation of certain Drawing Rights for France established under Supplement Protocol No 2 of the Intra-European Payments and Compensations Agreement of 16th October 1948
11 October 1950 Exchange of Notes. Denunciation by the United Kingdom on 30/08/1950 with effect from 28/02/1951 of the Convention between the United Kingdom and Tunis for the Exchange of Money Orders, London, 24/08/1889 and the Additional Articles to the Convention, signed between the United Kingdom and France, Paris 22/12/1910
14 December 1950 Convention between His Majesty in Respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
11 January 1951 Agreed Minute regarding The Netherlands Debt to the United Kingdom
11 April 1951 11 April 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic relating to Terms of Compensation for British Interests in French Nationalised Gas and Electricity Undertakings [with Exchanges of Notes]
17 April 1951 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 21, 1947 [Annex XI - World Meteorological Organization]
17 April 1951 Annex XI - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, Paris, 17 April 1951
18 April 1951 18 April 1951 Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation of April 18, 1951, as amended by the Council on April 27, 1955
18 April 1951 23 July 1952 Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
20 April 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France providing for the Regulation of Civil Aviation in the New Hebrides
9 July 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic modifying the provisions of the Agreement of 11th April, 1951 relating to the Terms of Compensation for British Interests in French Nationalised Gas and Electricity Undertakings
4 August 1951 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending Agreement for Establishment of European Payments Union of 19th September 1950
19 October 1951 19 October 1951 Protocol relating to the Proposed Agreement for the Termination of the Ruhr Agreement
31 October 1951 31 October 1951 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan of the one part and the Government of the French Republic of the other part regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in the French Territory
31 December 1951 14 January 1954 Consular Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the French Republic (with Protocols of Signature and Exchanges of Notes)
7 February 1952 1 January 1952 Second Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of 11th June, 1948 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on Social Security
20 March 1952 18 May 1954 Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 9] [Protocol No.1]
9 May 1952 1 June 1952 Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement of 28 January 1950 between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the Reciprocal Application of the Social Security Schemes of France and Northern Ireland
15 May 1952 3 August 1955 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Belgium and France regarding the supervision and preventive control of the African Migratory Locust
27 May 1952 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Member States of the European Defence Community Extending the Guarantees of Assistence against Aggression given in Article IV of Treaty / Economic, Social & Cultural collaborations signed Brussels 17th March 1948
27 May 1952 Tripartite Declaration Relations with Germany
27 May 1952 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty
4 June 1952 16 August 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending to the Island of Jersey the provisions of the Social Security Agreement of 11th June, 1948 and Agreements Supplementary thereto
30 June 1952 30 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium for the Discharge by Deliveries of Defence Equipment of a Debt owed to the Government of Belgium by the Government of the United Kingdom
30 June 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 2th of July, 1951
11 July 1952 Supplementary Protocol No.3 amending the Agreement of 19th September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
25 July 1952 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United States of America relating to the Termination of the Functions of the International Authority for the Ruhr and of the Agreement for the Establishment of an International Authority for the Ruhr
28 August 1952 10 April 1954 Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up Pursuant to the North Atlantic Treaty
12 December 1952 Agreement concerning the Settlement of the UK outstanding debt to Italy between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Italy
21 January 1953 21 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic enclosing a new consolidated Annex (with Schedules) to the Air Transport Agreement of the 28th of February, 1946
5 June 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the application to Jersey of the Social Security Agreement of the 11th of June, 1948 and Supplementary Agreements
30 June 1953 European Payments Union Supplementary Protocol No.4 amending the Agreement of 19 September 1950
1 July 1953 29 September 1954 Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research (with Financial Protocol)
28 August 1953 1 October 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the reciprocal abolition of visas for French citizens travelling to certain British Overseas Territories and British subjects travelling to certain French Overseas Departments
8 October 1953 15 November 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the transit of British and French merchant seaman through France and the United Kingdom respectively
12 October 1953 12 October 1953 Agreement concerning the Formation of a European Organisation for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (OEEPE)
11 December 1953 20 April 1954 European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to admission to Universities
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 Protocol to the European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance [with Protocol][ETS No. 14]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13A]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12A]
11 December 1953 1 June 1955 European Convention relating to the formalities required for patent applications
9 February 1954 9 February 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 20th of August, 1951
25 February 1954 1 February 1955 Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations
13 April 1954 Agreement and Statement for the United Kingdom association with the European Defence Community
30 June 1954 Supplementary Protocol No.5 amending the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union.
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Belgian Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgian Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Austrian Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Austrian Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [With Exchanges of Letters of July 9 and July 28/30, 1954]
9 July 1954 9 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Netherlands Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
10 July 1954 10 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the German Federal Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
10 July 1954 10 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Portuguese Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [with Exchange of Letters]
28 July 1954 28 July 1954 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Swedish Government to the Union in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of the European Payments Union [With Exchange of Letters}
6 October 1954 10 December 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the French Government extending the provisions of the Exchange of Notes concerning War Damage Compensation of the 3rd of December, 1946, to United Kingdom and French overseas territories
7 October 1954 8 October 1954 Amendment to Article 3 of the Financial Protocol adopted at the first session of the Council
9 October 1954 25 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic regarding the application to Jersey of the Social Security Agreement of the 11th of June, 1948 and Supplementary Agreements
23 October 1954 5 May 1955 Protocol on the Termination of the Occupation Regime in the Federal Republic of Germany [with Schedules of Amendment]
23 October 1954 5 May 1955 Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty of April 4, 1949, on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No.III on the Control of Armaments
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Convention on the Presence of Foreign Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No II on Forces of the Western European Union
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol Modifying and Completing the Brussels Treaty
23 October 1954 6 May 1955 Protocol No.IV on the Agency of Western European Union for the Control of Armaments
1 December 1954 Agreement concerning the International Institute of Refrigeration
19 December 1954 5 May 1955 European Cultural Convention [ETS No. 18]
19 December 1954 1 August 1955 European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention
18 February 1955 22 February 1955 United Kingdom/France Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Agreement - for five years (Non-Governmental)
28 April 1955 28 April 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal extending the Agreement of July 10, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Government of Portugal to the Union
11 May 1955 19 July 1956 Agreement on the Status of Western European Union, National Representatives and International Staff (With Declarations)
22 June 1955 29 March 1956 Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
29 June 1955 Supplementary Protocol No. 6 amending the Agreement of the 19th September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
5 August 1955 Protocol of Provisional Application of the European Monetary Agreement [Protocol No.1.]
5 August 1955 European Monetary Agreement (with annex and Protocol of Provisional Application)
5 August 1955 Supplementary Protocol No. 7 amending the Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union of 19th September, 1950
29 August 1955 29 August 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of France terminating the Agreement of the 15th of July 1938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
12 October 1955 28 May 1958 Convention establishing an International Organisation of Legal Metrology
13 December 1955 1 January 1956 Agreement between Member Countries of the Council of Europe on the Exchange of War Cripples with a view to Medical Treatment
13 December 1955 23 February 1965 European Convention on Establishment (with Protocol) ETS No.19
22 December 1955 22 December 1955 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden on the Repayment of part of the United Kingdom debt to Sweden owed in connexion with the European Payments Union
19 March 1956 19 March 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria extending the Agreement of July 9, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
30 April 1956 21 August 1957 Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-Scheduled Air Services in Europe
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium additional to the Agreement of July 9, 1954 regarding the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union to the European Payments Union
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchanges of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands Government concerning the Agreement of 9 July, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Netherlands Government to the Union
29 June 1956 29 June 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland additional to the Agreement signed on July 16, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Swiss Government to the Union
29 June 1956 Supplementary Protocol No. 8 amending the Agreement of the 19th of September, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
10 July 1956 1 May 1958 Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic (with Protocols)
9 August 1956 9 August 1956 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria concerning the extension on March 19, 1956 of the Agreement of July 9, 1954 for the Repayment of Credits granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
9 August 1956 9 August 1956 Basic Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation regarding aid to United Kingdom dependent territories
8 December 1956 8 December 1956 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden on the Repayment of the balance of the United Kingdom debt to Sweden owed in Connexion with the European Payments Union
10 December 1956 13 September 1960 Protocol concerning the accession of the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy to the Conventions on Frontier Workers and Student Employees, signed at Brussels, April 17, 1950
15 December 1956 15 December 1956 Second Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe signed at Paris on September 2, 1949
15 December 1956 18 September 1957 European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study
28 June 1957 1 July 1957 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Belgium concerning the Agreement of July 9,1954 for the repayment of credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union to the Euroopean Payments Union
28 June 1957 Supplementary Protocol No.9 amending the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
9 July 1957 9 July 1957 ECSC Decision relating to the Constitution and rules of procedure of the permanent agency for safety measures in the coalmines
26 July 1957 26 July 1957 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Agreement of July 10, 1954, for the Repayment of Credits granted to the Government of the United Kingdom by the European Payments Union and by the German Federal Government to the Union
13 December 1957 1 January 1958 European Agreement on Regulations Governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 25]
13 December 1957 18 April 1960 European Convention on Extradition [ETS No. 24]
14 December 1957 13 November 1961 Agreement drawn up in implementation of Article V of Protocol No. II of the Brussels Treaty of March 17, 1948 as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on October 23, 1954
14 December 1957 Convention concerning the Agency for the Control of Armaments established by Protocol No.IV of the Brussels Treaty of March 17, 1948 as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on October 23, 1954
20 December 1957 22 July 1959 Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the Field of Nuclear Energy
20 December 1957 Protocol on the Tribunal established by the Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
31 March 1958 31 March 1958 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Switzerland concerning Suspension of Payments under the Agreement of July 16, 1954, and the Exchange of Letters of June 29, 1956, for the Repayment and Consolidation between the United Kingdom and Switzerland
27 June 1958 Supplementary Protocol No.2 amending the European Monetary Agreement of August 5, 1955
27 June 1958 Supplementary Protocol No.10 amending the Agreement of September 19, 1950 for the Establishment of a European Payments Union
20 August 1958 20 August 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria concerning the Repayment of Part of the Credit granted by the European Payments Union to the United Kingdom and by Austria to the Union
3 October 1958 6 June 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Local Defence Costs of United Kingdom Forces stationed in the Federal Republic
25 November 1958 25 November 1958 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Turkish Republic concerning a Loan by the United Kingdom Government to the Turkish Government
28 November 1958 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning exemption from Turnover Tax on Royalties
3 December 1958 30 May 1961 Convention concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Tenth Session
3 December 1958 23 November 1961 Convention concerning the International Exchange of Publications, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Tenth Session
15 December 1958 1 January 1959 European Convention on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin [ETS No. 26]
15 December 1958 1 July 1961 European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
5 March 1959 5 March 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the Repayment of the Debt by the French Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
14 March 1959 14 March 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Austria respecting the Repayment of Debts by the United Kingdom to the Austrian Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
10 April 1959 10 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Federal German Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
13 April 1959 13 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal on the Repayment of the Debt to the United Kingdom by the Portuguese Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
14 April 1959 14 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Italy respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Italian Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
18 April 1959 18 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden for the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Swedish Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
23 April 1959 14 April 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Belgium Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
23 April 1959 23 April 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the Norwegian Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
24 April 1959 5 May 1959 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Turkey regarding Commercial Debts
28 April 1959 28 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Denmark respecting the Reciprocal Repayment of Debts by the United Kingdom and Danish Governments on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
30 April 1959 30 April 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom Government to the Netherlands Government on the Liquidation of European Payments Union
6 May 1959 6 May 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government respecting the Repayment of the Debt by United Kingdom Government to the Swiss Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
11 May 1959 16 November 1962 Agreement on Commercial Debts owed by Residents of Turkey.
14 May 1959 14 May 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Iceland respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the Icelandic Government to the United Kingdom Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
19 May 1959 15 July 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending to the Island of Jersey the Social Security Convention signed at Paris on 10 July, 1956
21 May 1959 21 May 1959 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece respecting the Repayment of the Debt by the United Kingdom to the Greek Government on the Liquidation of the European Payments Union
14 December 1959 27 November 1961 European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications
23 December 1959 1 January 1960 Protocol to the Convention on Social Security between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic signed at Paris on the 10th July, 1956, relating to French Supplementary Allowances
15 January 1960 Supplementary Protocol No. 3 Amending the European Monetary Agreement ( OEEC ) of 5 August 1955
22 April 1960 24 August 1961 Multilateral Agreement Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft
29 July 1960 1 April 1968 Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
21 September 1960 12 November 1960 Agreement for the Mutual Safe-Guarding of Secrecy of Inventions relating to Defence and for which applications for Patents have been made
14 December 1960 30 September 1961 Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [with Supplementary Protocols]
14 December 1960 22 May 1962 Convention against Discrimination in Education adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its Eleventh Session
14 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning Arrangements to Facilitate Travel between the United Kingdom and France
15 June 1961 26 June 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Agreement of February 14, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
11 September 1961 11 September 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending the Route Schedules to the Air Transport Agreement, signed on February 28, 1946, and amended on January 21, 1953
2 December 1961 10 August 1968 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
12 December 1961 Supplementary Protocol No.4 amending the European Monetary Agreement of August 5, 1955
16 December 1961 16 December 1961 Fourth Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe Provisions concerning the European Court of Human Rights
16 December 1961 17 January 1962 European Agreement on Travel by Young Persons on Collective Passports between the member countries of the Council of Europe
16 December 1961 Protocol concerning the accession of Denmark and other Members of the Council of Europe to the Convention concerning Student Employees, signed in Brussels on April 17, 1950
23 January 1962 1 April 1962 Agreement on certain measures to facilitate Customs Clearance of products covered by the ECSC treaty carried by rail
21 February 1962 21 February 1962 Protocol prolonging the agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European Collaboration in the field of Space Research
14 June 1962 20 March 1964 Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Research Organisation
18 July 1962 18 September 1962 Exchange of between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic terminating the Convention respecting Postal Communications signed in London on August 30, 1890
5 October 1962 24 June 2002 Convention establishing a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
5 October 1962 Financial Protocol annexed to the Convention establishing a European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
23 November 1962 19 April 1963 Second Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research.
17 December 1962 27 December 1963 Agreement between the member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
17 December 1962 15 February 1967 Convention on the Liability of Hotel-Keepers concerning the Property of their Guests [ETS No. 41]
1 May 1963 Purchase by the Board of Trade of Promissory Notes
21 June 1963 21 June 1963 Third Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research.
21 June 1963 30 June 1964 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with respect to Duties on the Estates of Deceased Persons
31 October 1963 23 February 1968 Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Space Research Organisation
5 November 1963 1 July 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in respect of Jersey, and the Government of the French Republic concerning the avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Sea and Air Transport
13 December 1963 13 December 1963 Fourth Protocol prolonging the Agreement setting up a Preparatory Commission to Study the possibilities of European collaboration in the field of Space Research
28 January 1964 1 April 1968 Additional Protocol to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
28 January 1964 4 December 1974 Additional Protocol to the Convention of 31 January 1963 Supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
6 May 1964 6 May 1964 Interim Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers for the Conduct of the Phase I Firings of the Intial Programme of the Organisation
3 June 1964 3 June 1964 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic establishing a Joint Commission of Surveillance for the Geological Survey in connexion with the Channel Tunnel Project
18 June 1964 12 March 1965 Agreement between Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
18 June 1964 Security Annex to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information AND Technical Annex to the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Co-operation regarding Atomic Information
13 July 1965 13 July 1965 Supplementary Agreement to the Interim Agreement between United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers for the Conduct of the Phase I Findings of the Initial Programme of the Organisation
19 November 1965 1 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic extending the Convention on Social Security, signed at Paris on 10 July 1956, to the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou
19 November 1965 1 December 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic on the Payment of Family Allowances to Persons going from Guernsey to France or from France to Guernsey for Seasonal Agricultural Work
29 November 1965 29 November 1965 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic further amending the Route Schedules to the Air Transport Agreement signed on 28 February 1946
22 March 1966 Correspondence about a new type of British Visitors Passport ( France )
16 November 1966 10 November 1967 Protocol to amend Article IV of the Convention relating to International Exhibitions, signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 as amended by the Protocol signed at Paris on 10 May 1948
3 May 1967 3 May 1967 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic modifying and prolonging the Film Co-Production Agreement signed at London on 21 September 1965
10 July 1967 30 May 1968 International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Services
22 November 1967 1 January 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of France concerning the Reciprocal Granting of Licences to Amateur Radio Operators
24 November 1967 24 November 1967 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the establishment and use of a Telemetry Station in the Falkland Islands
13 December 1967 17 January 1971 Amendments to the Convention recommended for acceptance by the Council at the 36 Session
13 September 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic further prolonging the Film Co-production Agreement signed at London on 21 September 1965
18 September 1968 Revised Text of Articles XVIII and XIX and Schedule I of the Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation of 18 April 1951 adopted by the Council of the Organisation at its 18th Session
9 October 1968 30 December 1968 Arrangrement between certain member States of the European Space Research Organisation and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the execution of a Special TD Project
13 December 1968 20 February 1971 European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport [ETS No.65]
30 January 1969 30 January 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the use of the ESRO launching range (ESRANGE) by the United Kingdom for a Special Project
27 February 1969 27 February 1969 First Supplement to the Arrangement regarding the Development and Production of a Civil Supersonic Transport Aircraft signed on 29 November 1962 - CONCORDE
4 November 1969 4 November 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic amending Schedule I of the Revised Annex to the Air Transport Agreement signed at London on 28 February 1946
12 December 1969 2 October 1971 European Agreement on Continued Payment of Scholarships to Students Studying Abroad [ETS No. 69]
19 December 1969 19 December 1969 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Space Research Organisation concerning the use by the United Kingdom of ESRANGE for a Special Project
9 April 1975 Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
30 May 1975 30 October 1980 Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency
24 June 1975 24 June 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic relating to the Abandonment of the Channel Tunnel Project
10 July 1975 10 July 1975 Arbitration Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic
29 July 1975 29 October 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the extension to Hong Kong of the Convention for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments signed at Paris on 18 January 1934 ( With Notification of Extension )
31 July 1975 10 November 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Protection of Designations of Origin of certain Alcoholic Beverages
29 August 1975 29 August 1975 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic concerning the Establishment of a Representative Assembly for the New Hebrides ( With further Exchange of Notes signed at London on 14 November 1975 )