

Signed on In force on Title
16 May 1703 Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Portugal
27 December 1703 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Portugal
15 March 1823 19 August 1823 Additional Articles To The Convention Concluded At London, July 28, 1817, Between His Majesty And His Most Faithful Majesty For The Prevention Of The Illicit Traffic In Slaves.
3 July 1842 30 July 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, for the Suppression of the Traffic in Slaves
3 July 1842 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Portugal
22 October 1842 24 November 1842 Additional Article to the Slave Trade Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal of July 3, 1842
6 April 1859 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, relative to Communication by Post
13 January 1869 Protocol of Conference between Great Britain and Portugal, agreeing to refer to Arbitration their respective Claims to the Islands of Bulama
25 September 1872 Protocol of Conference between Great Britain and Portugal, relative to their respective Claims to certain Territories formerly belonging to the Kings of Tembe and Mapoota, on the Eastern Coast of Africa, including the Islands of Imyack and Elephant, and agreeing to refer the same to Arbitration
11 December 1875 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the South African Republic ( now the Transvaal State ) and the King of Portugal with Protocol relative to the construction of the Lorenzo Marques Railway
26 December 1878 16 November 1879 Treaty of Commerce and Extradition between Great Britain and Portugal, with reference to their Indian Possessions
30 May 1879 Treaty between Her Majesty and the King of Portugal for extending commercial intercourse between their adjacent dominions in Southern and Eastern Africa, and for the abolition of Slave Traffic, Lourenco Marques Railway, Port and Harbour
30 May 1879 Protocol for guaranteeing the importation of materials and stock of any kind for making British Section of Lourenco Marques Railway free of customs duties
6 August 1879 6 August 1879 Declaration between Great Britain and Portugal, with reference to the Treaty of Commerce and Extradition (India) of December 26, 1878 (Reforms in Portuguese Colonies in India, Payment of First British Instalment)
22 May 1882 Convention between Great Britain and Portugal, supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation signed at Lisbon on the 3rd July, 1842
17 January 1883 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, for the Exchange of Post Office Money Orders
21 March 1885 Additional Act to the Convention of June 1, 1878 establishing a Universal Postal Union with Final Protocol
2 July 1887 1 January 1888 Agreement between the British and Portuguese Governments, for the Exchange of Postal Parcels
21 December 1887 1 January 1888 Detailed Regulations Annexed To The Agreement With The Portuguese Government For The Exchange Of Postal Parcels Of 2 July 1887.
14 October 1890 Note of H.M. Minister at Lisbon denouncing Goa Treaty of December 26, 1878
11 June 1891 3 July 1891 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal, defining the Spheres of Influence of the two Countries in Africa
17 October 1892 19 March 1894 Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals
30 November 1892 30 November 1892 Protocol attached to the Extradition Treaty between Great Britain and Portugal of the 17th October, 1892.
10 March 1894 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal for the Insurance of Postal Parcels
28 December 1895 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal respecting lease by former of Extra Concession on right bank of the Chinde River (Mozambique)
24 September 1896 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Portugal respecting the Boundary between the British Protectorate of Tongaland and the neighbouring Portuguese Possessions
3 February 1898 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal, Modifying the Postal Money Order Agreement of January 17, 1898
28 July 1905 Parcel Post Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal
15 September 1906 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal for Provisional Settlement of Boundary between British Central African Protectorate and Portuguese Territory
3 June 1907 Exchange of Notes between the British and Portuguese Governments adopting as definitive the Boundary as demarcated between their respective Possessions in East Africa from Parallel 18 degrees 30 minutes South to the Limpopo
13 September 1909 Additional Articles to the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal of January 17, 1883 (money orders)
6 November 1911 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundary between British and Portuguese Possessions on the Ruo and Shire Rivers [With Map]
22 July 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Barue Section - from the Mazoe River to Latitude 18 degrees 30 minutes South)
12 August 1914 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Portugal
8 November 1919 Renewal of the existing Arbitration Conventions between the United Kingdom and Norway and Sweden and of the Arbitration Agreement between the United kingdom and Portugal
9 December 1920 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to the Suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt
10 January 1921 29 November 1921 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals between Certain British Protectorates and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic
10 January 1921 29 December 1921 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals between the Federated Malay States and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic
6 May 1921 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to Air Navigation
31 March 1923 Agreement between Her Majesty's Government and the Portuguese Government for the Renewal of Part I of the Mozambique Transvaal Convention of April 1, 1909
19 May 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom & Portugal regarding the Cancellation of the British Concession at Chinde and the Portuguese Concession at Chipoli
18 August 1925 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal Confirming Postal Agreement between Tanganyida Territory and Mozambique, signed at Lourenco Marques, July 7, 1923 and at Dar-es-Salaam, August 30, 1924
3 November 1925 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal confirming the Protocol, signed at Cape Town on March 5, 1915, defining a Section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia [with a map]
6 October 1927 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the Boundary between Swaziland and the Province of Mozambique
6 October 1927 Notes Exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the Boundary between the Union of South Africa and the Province of Mozambique
15 May 1928 Agreement to regulate relations between Mozambique and Union of South Africa pending conclusion of Convention of 11 September 1928 of which it is to form basis
1 August 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government in for the Arbitration of Major Campbell's Claim for Damages suffered in Mozambique
23 October 1930 21 January 1931 International Agreement concerning Manned Lightships not on their Stations
23 October 1930 22 November 1931 Agreement concerning Maritime Signals
29 April 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government respecting the Boundaries between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola
20 January 1932 10 July 1933 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic Supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of October 17, 1892 With Exchange of Notes
14 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding Flag Discrimination in Portuguese Ports
24 October 1935 24 October 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Operation of Air Services over Territories in Africa
11 March 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government Modifying the Agreement of November 17, 1934 in regard to Native Labour from Mozambique
11 May 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika Territory and Mozambique
30 October 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government regarding Identity Documents for Aircraft Personnel
19 October 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government extending and modifying the Agreement of November 17, 1934, concerning Native Labour from Mozambique
11 May 1938 11 May 1938 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique.
28 October 1938 Exchanges of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government relating to the Air Services between the Union of South Africa and Angola
25 January 1939 25 January 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Air Service between London and Lisbon
21 April 1939 Exchange of Notes prolongs for 5 years (and thereafter will be subject to 12 months notice) the Convention of 11 September 1928, amended by the Agreement of 17 November 1934, concerning Railways, Commercial Intercourse, Native Labour &C (Union of South Africa and Mozambique)
8 January 1940 8 February 1940 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Portuguese Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel
2 May 1940 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union on South Africa and the Portuguese Government relative to the Mozambique Convention of September 11, 1928 as amended on November 17, 1934, and Extended on April 21, 1939
7 June 1940 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Coal-Pitwood Exports
24 July 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal respecting Commerce
20 November 1940 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Financial and Commercial Exchanges - Consultations regarding balances
11 December 1940 Exchange of Notes between Her Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Portuguese Government regarding the establishment of an Air Service between Australia and Portuguese Timor
28 January 1941 Agreement between India and France regarding Customs Union
22 January 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Reinforcements for Timor and Withdrawal of Allied Troops
24 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Allocation of Wolfram to the United Nations
23 November 1942 Exchange of Notes regarding Exchange of Goods with the United Kingdom and the United States of America ('Supply - Purchase Agreement' for Period July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943)
28 November 1942 Agreement regarding War Trade
17 March 1943 8 May 1943 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Portugal Amending the Agreement of April 29, 1931 concerning the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola
12 May 1943 Exchange of Notes regarding the Transfer of Certain Axis Ships to Portugal
19 June 1943 Exchange of Notes further Prolonging the Validity and Modifying the Agreement of August 24, 1942 concerning the Supplies of Wolfram to the United Kingdom and the United States of America
17 August 1943 Agreement with Exchanges of Notes regarding the Azores
17 August 1943 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal for the use by the United Kingdom of facilities in the Azores
28 November 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Participation of Portugal in Pacific operations
26 January 1945 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Portugal regarding Exchange of Goods
14 April 1945 14 April 1945 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning Jurisdictional Immunities of H.M. Forces in the Azores
8 August 1945 Exchange of Notes Terminating the Payments Agreement of 20 November 1940
6 December 1945 16 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for Air Services traversing British and Portuguese Territories [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
6 December 1945 16 August 1946 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for Air Services between British and Portuguese Territories [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
30 May 1946 Exchanges of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal concerning the Azores and the Pacific - Arrangements for termination of facilities provided in the Agreement of 17 August 1943 and 28 November 1944
19 July 1946 Notes Verbales. Sales of RAF equipment at Lagens (Azores) airfield to Portugal
21 February 1947 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France and Portugal regarding German Arrests in Portuguese Territory 21st February 1947 ('Safehaven')
11 October 1947 11 October 1947 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government regarding the Appointment of Doctors to Hospitals
25 May 1948 25 May 1948 Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Portugal for the Extension of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
14 April 1949 Agreed Memo Balance of Payments with Sterling Area for 1949/50
14 April 1949 Record of Discussion regrading Trade and Monetary
14 April 1949 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government further prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
31 May 1949 Transport Central African Conference
11 July 1949 11 July 1949 Agreement concerning Uranium Mining and Export of Ore.
28 November 1949 Record of discussions concerning Commerce and Finance ( Trade and Payments ) between the Portuguese Monetary Area and the Sterling Area for 1950
7 February 1950 Exchanges of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government modifying and prolonging the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
17 June 1950 17 June 1950 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of Southern Rhodesia and the Government of the Republic of Portugal relative to the Port of Beira and Connected Railways [With Schedule and Exchanges of Notes and Letters]
30 November 1950 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government further modifying the Monetary Agreement of 16th April, 1946
20 July 1951 Monetary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government
3 April 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal amending the Schedules to the Air Agreements of 6th December, 1945
21 November 1952 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal for the Extension of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
21 January 1953 Exchange of Notes between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government providing for Portuguese participation in the Shire Valley Project
5 May 1954 30 June 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government prolonging the Monetary Agreement of the 20th of July, 1951
18 November 1954 18 November 1954 Agreements between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Government of Portugal with regard to the Northern Rhodesia - Angola Frontier [with Annexes] and with regard to certain Angolan and Northern Rhodesian Natives living on the Kwando River [with Exchange of Notes and further Note from the Portuguese Government]
18 November 1954 26 October 1955 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland) and the Government of Portugal regarding the Nyasaland-Mozambique Frontier (together with Exchange of Notes)
19 November 1954 10 November 1955 Cultural Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government
23 November 1954 1 January 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Portuguese Government regarding the Reciprocal Abolition of Visas
24 November 1954 1 January 1955 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Portugal on behalf of the Federation of Rhodesia, Nyasaland and Mozambique regarding Visa Abolition
25 March 1955 25 March 1955 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal amending the Schedules to the Air Agreement of December 6, 1945
30 January 1956 30 January 1956 Atomic Energy - Export of Uranium - modifies and extends the Agreement of 11/07/1949
26 April 1957 30 April 1957 Portuguese Labour for Bermuda - Exchange of Notes and memorandum
12 June 1958 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal concerning the Extension for a period of Transit Facilities in the Azores to British Military Aircraft
27 October 1958 24 October 1959 Agreement on German Assets in Portugal and on certain Claims regarding Monetary Gold
31 October 1958 4 January 1962 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Lisbon)
31 October 1958 1 June 1963 Agreement for the Prevention of False or Misleading Indications of Origin on Goods
29 November 1958 26 June 1959 Trade Agreement between the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Portugal
24 February 1961 15 March 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal concerning the acceptance of the British Visitor's Passport for travel between the United Kingdom and Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira
22 May 1961 30 May 1961 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal extending the Agreement of February 24/27, 1961, to British Visitor's Passports issued in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
31 July 1961 10 July 1962 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal for the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income derived from Sea and Air Transport
19 November 1962 Between Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Portugal). Convention in respect of the Beira- Feruka Oil Pipeline and Exchange of Notes in respect of the continued application of the Convention by the Government of Southern Rhodesia
11 May 1963 11 May 1963 Protocol to the Agreement on Agriculture between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark signed in London on April 8, 1960
29 November 1963 29 November 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on their own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland) and the Government of the Portuguese Republic accepting the Report of the Nyasaland- Mozambique Boundary Commission of the 27th of August, 1956
7 April 1964 7 April 1964 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Portugal relative to the Construction of Connecting Railways between Swaziland and Mozambique
21 October 1964 21 October 1964 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Portuguese Republic with regard to the Northern Rhodesia-Angola Frontier
17 April 1966 17 April 1966 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Portugal regarding the estabishment of a Local Air Service between Matsapa and Lourenco Marques
27 March 1968 17 January 1969 Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Portugal for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income
16 July 1968 16 July 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
17 July 1969 17 July 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
10 October 1969 10 October 1969 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Portugal further prolonging the Agreement for Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed at London on 18 July 1958
3 July 1975 11 January 1976 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Portuguese Republic on International Road Transport