

Signed on In force on Title
12 March 1854 Treaty between Great Britain , France , and Turkey , relative to Military Aid to be given to Turkey
3 February 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the Employment of a body of Turkish Troops in the British Service
13 May 1856 Convention between Great Britain, France, and Sardinia, on the one part, and Turkey, on the other, extending the Term previously stipulated for the Evacuation of the Ottoman Territory
21 April 1861 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the establishment of a Telegraphic Cable between Malta and Alexandria
3 September 1864 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey, for the Establishment of Telegraphic Communication between India and the Ottoman Territory
8 April 1865 Act of Accession of the Sultan to the Treaty between Great Britain, France, Russia, and Greece of March 29, 1864, for the Union of the Ionian Islands to Greece ; and Acceptance thereof by the Contracting Parties to that Treaty
28 July 1868 Protocol of the Conference between Great Britain and Turkey, relative to the Admission of British Subjects in Turkey to the Right of Holding Real Property
12 February 1873 Protocol between Great Britain, France, Italy and Turkey respecting Consular Jurisdiction in Tripoli
4 June 1878 Convention of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Turkey. ( Russian Aggressions in Asia : Reforms and Protection of Christians in Turkey in Asia ; Occupation and Administration of Cyprus by England. )
17 December 1878 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey) for defining the Boundary between Roumania and Bulgaria
22 January 1879 Agreement between Great Britain and Turkey, for Commuting the Ottoman Crown Property, Revenues, &c., of Cyprus for a fixed Annual Payment of �5,000
20 September 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey) for defining: (1) the Danubian Frontier of Bulgaria ; (2) the Frontier between Bulgaria and Turkey (Macedonia) ; and (3) the Frontier between Bulgaria and Servia
25 October 1879 Act of the European Commission (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey) for defining the Southern Boundary of Eastern Roumelia
25 January 1880 25 July 1880 Convention between Great Britain and Turkey for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade
18 April 1880 Protocol between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, respecting the Boundary between Turkey and Montenegro
11 August 1880 Laws for the Vilayets of Turkey in Europe (Roumelia) signed by the Commissioners of Great Britain, German Empire, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey under Article XXIII of the Treaty of Berlin
21 September 1880 Self-denying Protocol between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy and Russia, with reference to the Settlement of the Questions respecting Greece and Montenegro
24 May 1881 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the settlement of the Frontier between Greece and Turkey
15 November 1881 Final Act fixing the new Turco-Greek Frontier under the Convention of May 24, 1881
3 March 1883 3 March 1883 Declaration Between Great Britain And Turkey Amending The Convention Of The 25th January, 1880, Between Her Majesty And The Sultan For The Suppression Of The Slave Trade.
8 May 1883 Protocol of Conference between the Representatives of the Six Powers ( Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia ) and Turkey, relative to the Administration of the Lebanon ( Appointment of Wassa Pasha to be Governor for a term of ten years ).
24 October 1885 24 November 1885 Convention between Egypt and Turkey, relative to Egyptian Affairs (Dispatch of British and Turkish High Commissioners to Egypt)
29 October 1888 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Turkey, respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal
15 August 1892 Protocol relative to the Administration of the Lebanon
25 April 1907 Protocol between the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Turkey respecting Turkish Customs Duties
6 November 1912 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Turkey respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples
4 November 1913 Protocol concerning Frontiers - Persian and Turkish
17 November 1913 Protocol concerning the Delimitation of the Turco-Persian Frontier