

Signed on In force on Title
8 August 1834 8 August 1834 Treaty between Great Britain and France, and Sardinia, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade. Signed at Turin, August 8, 1834 ; with an Additional Article thereto, signed at Turin, December 8, 1834.
8 December 1834 Additional Article, signed at Turin, December 8, 1834, to the Treaty between Great Britain and France, and Sardinia, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Turin, August 8, 1834 ; modifying Article IV thereof.
6 September 1841 Treaty of Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia
9 August 1854 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, for the Reciprocal Opening of the Coasting Trade
26 January 1855 Military Convention between Great Britain, France and Sardinia
26 January 1855 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, supplementary to the Military Convention of January 26, 1855
3 June 1856 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, respecting the advance of a Million Sterling contemplated by the Convention of January 26, 1855
30 November 1860 Convention between Great Britain and Sardinia, for the Establishment of International Copyright
6 August 1863 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation , between Great Britain and Italy
18 October 1961 26 February 1965 European Social Charter [ETS No.35]