Port Louis


Signed on In force on Title
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement regarding the Provision of Facilities for a Detection Station
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius on Mutual Defence and Assistance
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Exchange of Letters for the Provision of Assistance or Advice in connection with the Staffing, Administration and Training of the Police Force of Mauritius (With Exchange of Letters (Understanding). Financial Arrangements).
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius
12 March 1968 Exchange of Letters regarding Service Lands in Mauritius (with Appendix and 4 Plans)
25 June 1968 Exchange of Letters of Intention and Understanding concerning Financial Aid relating to the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 1 , The Compensation Loan and the Commutation Loan
16 September 1968 25 September 1968 Exchanges of Notes and Letters concerning the Guarantee by the United Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion by certain Overseas Sterling Area Governments (The Sterling Area Agreements)
11 December 1968 Exchange of Letters between the British High Commission (Mauritius) and the Ministry of Overseas Development concerning the United Kingdom/Mauritius Loan No.2 1968
25 March 1969 28 March 1969 Memorandum of Understanding ( Draft Form ) and Exchange of Letters concerning the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 2 1968 and Draft Amendment to Loan No. 2 1968
22 December 1969 Exchange of Letters concerning the United Kingdom / Mauritius Loan No. 3 1969
3 July 1975 31 July 1975 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius concerning Public Officers' Pensions