

Signed on In force on Title
16 April 1837 Treaty between His Majesty and the Mexican Republic, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves, together with an additional Article, and three forms of Instruction and Regulations thereunto annexed
24 February 1841 29 July 1842 Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico, for the abolition of the Traffic in Slaves
13 April 1842 Further Additional Article to the Treaty Between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, signed at Mexico February 24, 1841
22 May 1862 Additional Article to the Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico of April 28, 1862
26 June 1866 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Investigation and Settlement of British Claims by a Mixed Commission
27 October 1866 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
27 October 1866 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico Supplementary to the Convention of June 26, 1866 for the settlement of British Claims
6 August 1884 Preliminary Agreement between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Renewal of Relations between the two Countries
7 September 1886 19 April 1889 Treaty between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals
27 November 1888 11 February 1889 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
15 February 1889 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico, for the Exchange of Uninsured Postal Parcels
8 July 1893 Treaty and Additional Article between Great Britain and Mexico respecting the Boundary between Mexico and British Honduras [with a Map]
25 February 1897 Convention between Great Britain and Mexico Supplementary to the Parcel Post Convention of February 15, 1889
1 February 1904 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico respecting Postal Rates upon Letters passing between New Zealand and Mexico
30 April 1908 Convention amending Article I of Supplementary Convention respecting Parcel Post between the United Kingdom and Mexico of February 25, 1897
1 December 1908 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico supplementary to the Parcel Post Convention of February 25, 1897
27 May 1910 Convention between the United Kingdom and Mexico respecting Telegraphic Communication between Mexico and British Honduras
30 May 1913 Convention Between Great Britain and Mexico concerning River Hondo Navigation
13 May 1922 Exchange of Notes concerning Transmission of Diplomatic Bags between the United Kingdom and Mexico
31 August 1925 Exchange of Notes Agreeing as to method of settling Claims of British subjects arising from other than revolutionary causes
19 November 1926 8 March 1928 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the Settlement of British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between November 20, 1910 and May 31, 1920
22 November 1926 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Mexico Postponing denunciation of Anglo-Mexican Commercial Treaty of 27 November 1888 from 22 December 1926 until 22 June 1927
31 December 1935 Exchange of Notes regarding Form of Payment of Sums Due under Claims Convention of November 19, 1926