
Treaty Party Taken on Effective on
Optional Clause to the Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice PARAGUAY 1 January 1900
Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organisation signed at New York on July 22, 1946 Adopted by the Twelfth World Health Assembly HAITI 1 January 1905
Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature TRANSJORDAN 1 January 1905
International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol AUSTRIA 27 May 1926
International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children JAPAN 26 March 1927
Optional Clause to the Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice SOUTH AFRICA 13 September 1955
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 Somaliland Protectorate 26 June 1960
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 CYPRUS 16 August 1960
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 SIERRA LEONE 27 April 1961
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (with Annexes) NORWAY 6 June 1962
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 NIGERIA 1 October 1962
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 UGANDA 9 October 1962
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 005] Zanzibar 14 March 1963
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 Sarawak 16 September 1963
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 Zanzibar 10 December 1963
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 KENYA 12 December 1963
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 The Gambia 18 February 1965
International Sugar Agreement of 1958 SWAZILAND 6 September 1968
Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Research Organisation FRANCE 27 December 1971
Convention on Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Vessels (ILO No.53) TAIWAN 21 September 1984
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment Underground in Mines (ILO No.C.123) TAIWAN 21 September 1984
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice CANADA 10 September 1985
International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children Hong Kong 1 July 1997 1 July 1997