- Aberdeen South
- Abingdon
- Aldershot
- Altrincham and Sale
- Anglesey
- Argyll
- Arundel and Shoreham
- Aylesbury
- Banbury
- Barking
- Basingstoke
- Bath
- Battersea South
- Beckenham
- Bedford
- Bethnal Green
- Billericay
- Birkenhead
- Birmingham Perry Barr
- Bishop Auckland
- Blackpool North
- Bodmin
- Bolton West
- Bournemouth East and Christchurch
- Bradford South
- Bridgwater
- Bristol North East
- Bristol West
- Buckingham
- Cambridge
- Cardigan
- Carmarthen
- Carshalton
- Central Norfolk
- Cheadle
- Chelsea
- Cheltenham
- Chertsey
- Chesterfield
- Chichester
- Chippenham
- Chislehurst
- Cities of London and Westminster
- Colchester
- Colne Valley
- Conway
- Croydon North East
- Croydon North West
- Darlington
- Dartford
- Denbigh
- Derby South
- Dewsbury
- Dorking
- Dulwich
- Ealing South
- East Grinstead
- East Hertfordshire
- East Kingston upon Hull
- East Renfrewshire
- East Surrey
- East Walthamstow
- Eastbourne
- Edinburgh Leith
- Edinburgh South
- Edinburgh West
- Epping
- Epsom
- Esher
- Exeter
- Eye
- Falmouth and Camborne
- Farnham
- Feltham
- Finchley
- Folkestone and Hythe
- Gainsborough
- Galloway
- Glasgow Woodside
- Gloucester
- Greenock
- Guildford
- Hackney North and Stoke Newington
- Haltemprice
- Hampstead
- Harborough
- Harwich
- Hayes and Harlington
- Hemel Hempstead
- Hendon North
- Hendon South
- Henley
- Hereford
- Heston and Isleworth
- Heywood and Royton
- High Peak
- Hitchin
- Holland with Boston
- Honiton
- Hornchurch
- Hornsey
- Howden
- Huntingdonshire
- Ilford North
- Ilford South
- Inverness
- Ipswich
- Isle of Thanet
- Kensington North
- Kensington South
- Kirkcaldy Burghs
- Knutsford
- Leeds South
- Leicester South West
- Leominster
- Lewisham North
- Lewisham West
- Liverpool Wavertree
- Loughborough
- Maldon
- Manchester Blackley
- Manchester Withington
- Merioneth
- Mid Bedfordshire
- Montgomery
- Moray and Nairn
- Nantwich
- North Cornwall
- North Devon
- North Dorset
- North Kingston upon Hull
- Northampton
- Northwich
- Norwood
- Nottingham North
- Nuneaton
- Oldbury and Halesowen
- Oldham East
- Orkney and Shetland
- Orpington
- Oswestry
- Oxford
- Penrith and The Border
- Petersfield
- Poole
- Pudsey
- Putney
- Reigate
- Richmond (Surrey)
- Rochdale
- Romford
- Ross and Cromarty
- Rossendale
- Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles
- Rugby
- Ruislip-Northwood
- Rye
- Saffron Walden
- Salisbury
- Scarborough and Whitby
- Sevenoaks
- Sheffield Hallam
- Shrewsbury
- Skipton
- South Angus
- South Bedfordshire
- South Buckinghamshire
- South Dorset
- South East Derbyshire
- South West Hertfordshire
- South Worcestershire
- Southend West
- Southgate
- Southport
- Sowerby
- St Albans
- St Ives
- St Marylebone
- Streatham
- Stroud
- Sudbury and Woodbridge
- Sutton and Cheam
- Sutton Coldfield
- Taunton
- Tavistock
- Tiverton
- Torquay
- Torrington
- Totnes
- Tottenham
- Truro
- Twickenham
- Tynemouth
- Uxbridge
- Wandsworth Central
- Watford
- Wednesbury
- Wells
- Wembley North
- Wembley South
- West Dorset
- West Flintshire
- West Gloucestershire
- West Ham North
- West Ham South
- West Huddersfield
- West Middlesbrough
- West Walthamstow
- Westbury
- Westmorland
- Weston-super-Mare
- Wokingham
- Worthing
- Wycombe
- Yeovil