- Aberdeen South
- Battersea South
- Bedford
- Bermondsey West
- Birmingham Handsworth
- Brentford and Chiswick
- Brixton
- Caernarvon Boroughs
- Cambridge University
- Clapham
- Clapham
- Combined Scottish Universities
- Deptford
- East Newcastle upon Tyne
- Gillingham
- Glasgow Bridgeton
- Great Grimsby
- Great Yarmouth
- Hackney South
- Hertford
- Horsham and Worthing
- Islington East
- Islington West
- Leeds Central
- Leeds South
- Leeds West
- Llandaff and Barry
- London University
- London University
- Manchester Hulme
- Mansfield
- Midlothian and Peebles Northern
- Morpeth
- North Lanarkshire
- Norwood
- Paddington North
- Richmond (Surrey)
- Richmond (Surrey)
- South Down
- St Pancras South East
- Stoke Newington
- Tynemouth
- West Fulham
- Wimbledon
- Workington