UK general election results 1832 - 2019

1918 General Election - Parties - Independent

  1. Aberdeen South
  2. Battersea South
  3. Bedford
  4. Bermondsey West
  5. Birmingham Handsworth
  6. Brentford and Chiswick
  7. Brixton
  8. Caernarvon Boroughs
  9. Cambridge University
  10. Clapham
  11. Clapham
  12. Combined Scottish Universities
  13. Deptford
  14. East Newcastle upon Tyne
  15. Gillingham
  16. Glasgow Bridgeton
  17. Great Grimsby
  18. Great Yarmouth
  19. Hackney South
  20. Hertford
  21. Horsham and Worthing
  22. Islington East
  23. Islington West
  24. Leeds Central
  25. Leeds South
  26. Leeds West
  27. Llandaff and Barry
  28. London University
  29. London University
  30. Manchester Hulme
  31. Mansfield
  32. Midlothian and Peebles Northern
  33. Morpeth
  34. North Lanarkshire
  35. Norwood
  36. Paddington North
  37. Richmond (Surrey)
  38. Richmond (Surrey)
  39. South Down
  40. St Pancras South East
  41. Stoke Newington
  42. Tynemouth
  43. West Fulham
  44. Wimbledon
  45. Workington