- Aberdeen North
- Aberdeen South
- Abingdon
- Accrington
- Anglesey
- Appleby
- Arfon
- Ashburton
- Ashton-under-Lyne
- Aston Manor
- Aylesbury
- Ayr Burghs
- Banbury
- Banffshire
- Barnard Castle
- Barnsley
- Barnstaple
- Barrow in Furness
- Basingstoke
- Bath
- Bath
- Battersea
- Bedford
- Bermondsey
- Berwick-upon-Tweed
- Berwickshire
- Biggleswade
- Birkenhead
- Birmingham Bordesley
- Birmingham East
- Bishop Auckland
- Bodmin
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Boston
- Bosworth
- Bow and Bromley
- Bradford Central
- Bradford East
- Bradford West
- Breconshire
- Brentford
- Brigg
- Brighton
- Bristol East
- Bristol North
- Bristol South
- Bristol West
- Brixton
- Buckingham
- Buckrose
- Burnley
- Burton
- Bury St Edmunds
- Buteshire
- Caernarvon Boroughs
- Camberwell North
- Camborne
- Cambridge
- Cardiff
- Cardiganshire
- Carlisle
- Carmarthen
- Central Finsbury
- Central Kingston upon Hull
- Chatham
- Chelsea
- Cheltenham
- Chester-le-Street
- Chesterfield
- Chesterton
- Chippenham
- Christchurch
- City of Chester
- Clackmannanshire and Kinross-shire
- Clapham
- Cleveland
- Clitheroe
- Cockermouth
- Colchester
- Coventry
- Crewe
- Cricklade
- Darlington
- Dartford
- Darwen
- Denbigh Boroughs
- Deptford
- Derby
- Derby
- Devizes
- Devonport
- Devonport
- Dewsbury
- Doncaster
- Droitwich
- Dudley
- Dumfries Burghs
- Dumfriesshire
- Dunbartonshire
- Dundee
- Dundee
- Durham
- East Aberdeenshire
- East Carmarthenshire
- East Denbighshire
- East Dorset
- East Fife
- East Glamorganshire
- East Grinstead
- East Kingston upon Hull
- East Marylebone
- East Norfolk
- East Northamptonshire
- East Perthshire
- East Wolverhampton
- Eastbourne
- Eccles
- Eddisbury
- Edinburgh Central
- Edinburgh East
- Edinburgh South
- Edinburgh West
- Egremont
- Eifion
- Elgin Burghs
- Elginshire and Nairnshire
- Elland
- Enfield
- Eskdale
- Evesham
- Exeter
- Eye
- Falkirk
- Flint Boroughs
- Flintshire
- Forest of Dean
- Forfarshire
- Frome
- Fulham
- Gainsborough
- Gateshead
- Glasgow Blackfriars and Hutchesontown
- Glasgow Bridgeton
- Glasgow Camlachie
- Glasgow Central
- Glasgow Govan
- Glasgow St Rollox
- Glasgow Tradeston
- Gloucester
- Gorton
- Gower
- Grantham
- Gravesend
- Great Grimsby
- Great Yarmouth
- Greenock
- Greenwich
- Hackney Central
- Hackney North
- Hackney South
- Haddingtonshire
- Halifax
- Halifax
- Hallamshire
- Hammersmith
- Hampstead
- Hanley
- Harborough
- Harwich
- Hastings
- Hawick Burghs
- Henley
- Hereford
- Hexham
- Heywood
- High Peak
- Holborn
- Holmfirth
- Hoxton
- Huddersfield
- Huntingdon
- Hyde
- Ilkeston
- Ince
- Inverness Burghs
- Ipswich
- Ipswich
- Isle of Thanet
- Isle of Wight
- Islington East
- Islington North
- Islington South
- Islington West
- Jarrow
- Keighley
- Kennington
- Kensington North
- Kensington South
- Kidderminster
- Kilmarnock Burghs
- Kincardineshire
- King's Lynn
- Kirkcaldy Burghs
- Kirkcudbrightshire
- Lambeth North
- Lancaster
- Launceston
- Leeds Central
- Leeds East
- Leeds North
- Leeds South
- Leeds West
- Leek
- Leicester
- Leicester
- Leigh
- Leith Burghs
- Leominster
- Lewisham
- Lichfield
- Limehouse
- Lincoln
- Linlithgowshire
- Liverpool Abercromby
- Liverpool Exchange
- Liverpool Kirkdale
- Liverpool Walton
- Liverpool West Derby
- London University
- Loughborough
- Luton
- Macclesfield
- Maidstone
- Maldon
- Manchester East
- Manchester North
- Manchester North East
- Manchester North West
- Manchester South
- Manchester South West
- Mansfield
- Merioneth
- Merthyr Tydfil
- Merthyr Tydfil
- Mid Antrim
- Mid Derbyshire
- Mid Glamorganshire
- Mid Lanarkshire
- Mid Norfolk
- Mid Northamptonshire
- Middlesbrough
- Middleton
- Midlothian
- Mile End
- Monmouth Boroughs
- Montgomery
- Montgomery Boroughs
- Montrose Burghs
- Morley
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- Newcastle-under-Lyme
- Newmarket
- Newport (Shropshire)
- Newton
- North Antrim
- North Dorset
- North East Derbyshire
- North East Lanarkshire
- North Lonsdale
- North Monmouthshire
- North Norfolk
- North Somerset
- North Tyrone
- North West Durham
- North West Staffordshire
- Northampton
- Northampton
- Northwich
- Norwich
- Norwich
- Norwood
- Nottingham East
- Nottingham South
- Nuneaton
- Oldham
- Oldham
- Orkney and Shetland
- Osgoldcross
- Otley
- Paddington North
- Paddington South
- Paisley
- Partick
- Peckham
- Peebles and Selkirk
- Pembroke and Haverfordwest
- Pembrokeshire
- Penrith
- Penryn and Falmouth
- Perth
- Peterborough
- Plymouth
- Plymouth
- Pontefract
- Poplar
- Portsmouth
- Portsmouth
- Preston
- Prestwich
- Pudsey
- Radcliffe-cum-Farnworth
- Radnorshire
- Ramsey
- Reading
- Richmond (Yorks)
- Ripon
- Rochdale
- Rochester
- Romford
- Ross
- Rossendale
- Rotherham
- Rotherhithe
- Roxburghshire
- Rugby
- Rushcliffe
- Rye
- Saffron Walden
- Salford North
- Salford South
- Salford West
- Salisbury
- Scarborough
- Sheffield Attercliffe
- Sheffield Brightside
- Sheffield Central
- Sheffield Ecclesall
- Shipley
- Shrewsbury
- Skipton
- South Ayrshire
- South Derbyshire
- South Dorset
- South East Durham
- South East Essex
- South Glamorganshire
- South Lanarkshire
- South Molton
- South Monmouthshire
- South Northamptonshire
- South Shields
- South Somerset
- South West Bethnal Green
- Southampton
- Southampton
- Southport
- Southwark West
- Sowerby
- Spalding
- Spen Valley
- St Andrews Burghs
- St Austell
- St George
- St Helens
- St Ives
- St Pancras East
- St Pancras North
- St Pancras South
- St Pancras West
- Stafford
- Stalybridge
- Stepney
- Stirling Burghs
- Stirlingshire
- Stockport
- Stockport
- Stockton-on-Tees
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Stowmarket
- Strand
- Stratford-on-Avon
- Stretford
- Stroud
- Sunderland
- Sunderland
- Swansea Town
- Tavistock
- The Hartlepools
- Thornbury
- Totnes
- Tottenham
- Truro
- Tynemouth
- Tyneside
- Wakefield
- Walsall
- Walthamstow
- Walworth
- Warrington
- Wednesbury
- Wellington (Somerset)
- West Aberdeenshire
- West Bromwich
- West Carmarthenshire
- West Dorset
- West Fife
- West Ham North
- West Kingston upon Hull
- West Marylebone
- West Monmouthshire
- West Newington
- West Perthshire
- West Renfrewshire
- West Wolverhampton
- Westbury
- Whitby
- Whitechapel
- Whitehaven
- Wick Burghs
- Widnes
- Wigan
- Wigtownshire
- Winchester
- Wisbech
- Woodbridge
- Woolwich
- Worcester
- Wycombe
- York
- York