Year: | 1970 |
General election: | 1970 General Election |
Constituency: | Stafford and Stone |
Turnout: | 73.4% |
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Fraser, Sir Hugh | Conservative | 30056 |
Stanworth, MJK | Labour | 20380 |
Williams, W | Liberal | 4370 |
UK general election results 1832 - 2019
Year: | 1970 |
General election: | 1970 General Election |
Constituency: | Stafford and Stone |
Turnout: | 73.4% |
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Fraser, Sir Hugh | Conservative | 30056 |
Stanworth, MJK | Labour | 20380 |
Williams, W | Liberal | 4370 |