Year: | 1955 |
General election: | 1955 General Election |
Constituency: | Sudbury and Woodbridge |
Turnout: | 79.7% |
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Hare, John Hugh | Conservative | 25185 |
Lewis, Richard | Labour Co-op | 17995 |
Scott, Agnes | Liberal | 3760 |
UK general election results 1832 - 2019
Year: | 1955 |
General election: | 1955 General Election |
Constituency: | Sudbury and Woodbridge |
Turnout: | 79.7% |
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Hare, John Hugh | Conservative | 25185 |
Lewis, Richard | Labour Co-op | 17995 |
Scott, Agnes | Liberal | 3760 |