UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:56

Known as:

Order numbers:

47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 83, 79, 92, 90

Cite as

Most recent appearance

Date Title Text
1906 — 9th April 90 Withdrawal of strangers during divisions

Except when Mr. Speaker or the chairman of a committee of the whole house shall otherwise direct, his order for the withdrawal of strangers during a division shall be understood to apply to strangers occupying seats below the bar and in the front gallery, and shall be enforced by the serjeant-at-arms accordingly.

First appearance

1854 — 19th July 47

That, except when Mr. Speaker or the Chairman of a Committee of the whole House shall otherwise direct, his order for the withdrawal of Strangers during a Division, shall be understood to apply to Strangers occupying seats below the Bar and in the Front Gallery, and shall be enforced by the Serjeant-at-Arms accordingly.