UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:38

Known as:

Order numbers:

38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 52, 48, 32

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Most recent appearance

Date Title Text
1929 — 24th July 32 Procedure on reading order for committee

When a bill or other matter (except supply or ways and means) has been partly considered in committee, and the chairman has been directed to report progress, and ask leave to sit again, and the house shall have ordered that the committee shall sit again on a particular day, the speaker shall, when the order for the committee has been read, forthwith leave the chair without putting any question, and the house shall thereupon resolve itself into such committee.

First appearance

1852 — 25th June 38

That when a Bill or other matter (except Supply, or Ways and Means) has been partly considered in Committee, and the Chairman has been directed to report Progress, and ask leave to sit again, and The House shall have ordered that the Committee shall sit again on a particular day, The Speaker shall, when the order for the Committee has been read, forthwith leave the Chair, without putting any question, and The House shall thereupon resolve itself into such Committee.