UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:31

Known as:

Order numbers:

31, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 3, 8

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Most recent appearance

Date Title Text
1891 — 17th February 8 Adjournment at One o'Clock a.m.

That the House shall, unless previously adjourned, sit until One o'clock a.m., when the Speaker shall adjourn the House without Question put, unless a Bill or Proceeding exempted from the operation of Standing Order "Sittings of the House" be then under consideration. That the Business under discussion, and any Orders of the Day not disposed of at One o'clock a.m., do stand for the next day on which the House shall sit.

First appearance

1852 — 25th June 31

That the business under discussion, and any business not disposed of at the time of such Adjournment, do stand as Orders of the Day for the next day on which The House shall sit.