UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:298

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Date Title Text
2022 — 18th October 22C Motions and amendments with a financial consequence for the House of Commons: Administration Estimate (1)

Motions which would have a direct consequence of additional expenditure under the House of Commons: Administration Estimate estimated to be £50,000 or more shall not be considered by the House unless a memorandum setting out their expected financial consequences has been made available to the House.


The Accounting Officer shall make such a memorandum available to the House within a reasonable time of a motion to which this Order applies being tabled.

(3) (a)

This Order shall also apply to amendments to motions which would have the expenditure consequences set out in paragraph (1); but the absence of such a memorandum shall not prevent the House from considering such an amendment.


In his decision as to the selection of such an amendment, the Speaker shall, in addition to such other considerations as may, in his view, be relevant, take into account whether sufficient time has been available for the House to be provided with adequate information regarding the financial consequences.


The Speaker shall decide whether a motion or amendment falls within the terms of this Order.

First appearance

2013 — 23rd April 22C Motions and amendments with a financial consequence for the House of Commons: Administration Estimate

Motions which would have a direct consequence of additional expenditure under the House of Commons: Administration Estimate estimated to be £50,000 or more shall not be considered by the House unless a memorandum setting out their expected financial consequences has been made available to the House.

The Accounting Officer shall make such a memorandum available to the House within a reasonable time of a motion to which this Order applies being tabled.


This Order shall also apply to amendments to motions which would have the expenditure consequences set out in paragraph (1); but the absence of such a memorandum shall not prevent the House from considering such an amendment.


In his decision as to the selection of such an amendment, the Speaker shall, in addition to such other considerations as may, in his view, be relevant, take into account whether sufficient time has been available for the House to be provided with adequate information regarding the financial consequences.

The Speaker shall decide whether a motion or amendment falls within the terms of this Order.