UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:283

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Date Title Text
2022 — 18th October 24A Topical debates (1)

The Backbench Business Committee may indicate that proceedings on a motion, That the House has considered a specified matter, being a matter of regional, national or international importance, are to be conducted as a topical debate.


A topical debate shall last for not more than one and a half hours, at which time the motion, unless previously disposed of, shall lapse.

First appearance

2008 — 12th November 24A Topical debates

A Minister of the Crown may indicate that proceedings on a motion, That the House has considered a specified matter, being a matter of regional, national or international importance, are to be conducted as a topical debate.

A topical debate shall last for not more than one and a half hours, at which time the motion, unless previously disposed of, shall lapse.

A topical debate shall be opened by a Minister of the Crown who, when called by the Speaker, may speak for up to ten minutes.

A Member speaking on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition, when called by the Speaker, may speak for up to ten minutes either immediately following the Minister at the start of the debate or immediately before the Minister at its conclusion.

A Member nominated by the leader of the second largest opposition party, when called by the Speaker, may speak for up to six minutes either at the start of the debate or before the Member speaking on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition or the Minister, as the case may be, at its conclusion.

Members speaking under paragraphs (3), (4) or (5), when speaking at the start of the debate, shall be permitted to speak for an extra minute for each intervention they accept up to the same number as the number of minutes allocated to them to speak.

The Speaker may direct any Member speaking under paragraphs (3), (4) or (5) to resume his seat when he has spoken for the period provided for in those paragraphs and paragraph (6).

Time limits on speeches by other Members may be announced by the Speaker under Standing Order No. 47 (Time limits on speeches).