UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:28

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Order numbers:

28, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 1, 2, 3, 5, 11

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Current version

Date Title Text
2022 — 30th November 11 Friday sittings

(1) Subject to Standing Order No. 12 (House not to sit on certain Fridays), the House shall meet on Fridays at half-past nine o'clock, and will first proceed with private business and motions for unopposed returns.

(2) Standing Orders No. 9 (Sittings of the House) and No. 15 (Exempted business) shall apply to the sittings on Fridays with-

(3) (a) the omission of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 9; and

(4) (b) the insertion of references to half-past two o'clock as the moment of interruption; and

(5) (c) the substitution of reference to half-past three o'clock for reference to eleven o'clock in relation to proceedings on nomination of members of departmental select committees.

(6) In the application of Standing Order No. 17 (Delegated legislation (negative procedure)) to the sittings on Fridays there shall be substituted references to four o'clock for references to half-past eleven o'clock.

(7) At eleven o'clock the Speaker may interrupt the proceedings in order to permit questions to be asked which are in his opinion of an urgent character and relate either to matters of public importance or to the arrangement of business, statements to be made by Ministers, or personal explanations to be made by Members.

(8) If the House is in committee at eleven o'clock, on an occasion when the Speaker's intention to permit such questions, statements or explanations has been made known, the occupant of the chair shall leave the chair without putting any question, and report that the committee have made progress and ask leave to sit again.

(9) The House, when it meets on Friday, shall, at its rising, stand adjourned until the following Monday without any question being put.

First appearance

1852 — 25th June 28

(1) That The House do meet every Wednesday, at Twelve o'clock at noon, for Private Business, Petitions, Orders of the Day, and Notices of Motions, and do continue to sit until Six o'clock, unless previously adjourned.