UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:270

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Date Title Text
2022 — 18th October 83C Programming sub-committees (1)

If a bill is subject to a programme order which commits it to a public bill committee, the order stands referred to the committee and, subject to paragraph (10) of this order, shall be considered by a sub-committee of the committee.


The sub-committee is to be called the programming sub-committee.


The programming sub-committee shall consist of-


the chair or one of the chairs of the committee (who is to be chair of the sub-committee); and


seven members of the committee, nominated by the Speaker.


The quorum of the programming sub-committee is four.


The programming sub-committee shall report to the committee any resolution which it makes about-


the number of sittings to be allotted to the consideration of the bill in the committee;


the allocation of the proceedings to each sitting;


the time at which any proceedings, if not previously concluded, are to be brought to a conclusion;


the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House;


the programming of consideration and third reading.


Proceedings in the programming sub-committee shall be brought to a conclusion not later than two hours after their commencement.


For the purposes of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph (6), the chair shall-


first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided; and


then put forthwith successively questions on any motions made by a Minister of the Crown.


Resolutions of the programming sub-committee-


may be reported from time to time; and


subject to the powers of the chair to select the amendments, new clauses and new schedules to be proposed, may include alterations in the order in which specified proceedings are to be taken.


On a motion in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee being made in the committee, any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the motion is to be put not later than half an hour after the commencement of those proceedings.


A Minister of the Crown may make any motion in a public bill committee which could have been the subject of a resolution of the programming sub-committee; and for the purposes of this order the motion shall be treated as if it were in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee: provided that proceedings on such a motion shall lapse if any member of the committee signifies objection to it.


If the provisions of a resolution of the programming sub-committee under sub-paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph (5) are agreed to (with or without modification) by the committee, the provisions (or the provisions as modified) are to have effect as if they were included in the programme order for the bill: Provided that the chair may allow a sitting at which oral evidence is heard to continue for up to a quarter of an hour beyond the time provided for in the resolution.


Any resolution of the committee-


proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House; or


making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading;

shall be reported to the House.


If a resolution is reported proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down for a day not later than the fifth sitting day after the day when the report was made which may-


give effect to the committee's proposal;


otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or


confirm the date set in the original programme order for the bill.


If a resolution is reported making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down before the consideration of the bill on report which may-


give effect to the committee's recommendations;


otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or


confirm the original programme order for the bill.

First appearance

2004 — 26th October 83C Programming sub-committees

If a bill is subject to a programme order which commits it to a standing committee, the order stands referred to the committee and, subject to paragraph (10) of this order, shall be considered by a sub-committee of the committee.

The sub-committee is to be called the programming sub-committee.

The programming sub-committee shall consist of-


the chairman or one of the chairmen of the committee (who is to be chairman of the sub-committee); and


seven members of the committee, nominated by the Speaker.

The quorum of the programming sub-committee is four.

The programming sub-committee shall report to the committee any resolution which it makes about-


the number of sittings to be allotted to the consideration of the bill in the committee;


the allocation of the proceedings to each sitting;


the time at which any proceedings, if not previously concluded, are to be brought to a conclusion;


the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House;


the programming of consideration and third reading.

Proceedings in the programming sub-committee shall be brought to a conclusion not later than two hours after their commencement.

For the purposes of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph (6), the chairman shall-


first put forthwith any question which has been proposed from the chair and not yet decided; and


then put forthwith successively questions on any motions made by a Minister of the Crown.

Resolutions of the programming sub-committee-


may be reported from time to time; and


subject to the powers of the chairman to select the amendments, new clauses and new schedules to be proposed, may include alterations in the order in which specified proceedings are to be taken.

On a motion in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee being made in the committee, any question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the motion is to be put not later than half an hour after the commencement of those proceedings.

A Minister of the Crown may make any motion in a standing committee which could have been the subject of a resolution of the programming sub-committee; and for the purposes of this order the motion shall be treated as if it were in the terms of a resolution of the programming sub-committee: provided that proceedings on such a motion shall lapse if any member of the committee signifies objection to it.

If the provisions of a resolution of the programming sub-committee under sub-paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph (5) are agreed to (with or without modification) by the committee, the provisions (or the provisions as modified) are to have effect as if they were included in the programme order for the bill.

Any resolution of the committee-


proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House; or


making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading;

shall be reported to the House.

If a resolution is reported proposing an alteration to the date by which the bill is to be reported to the House, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down for a day not later than the fifth sitting day after the day when the report was made which may-


give effect to the committee's proposal;


otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or


confirm the date set in the original programme order for the bill.

If a resolution is reported making a recommendation about the programming of the bill on consideration and third reading, a supplemental programme motion shall be set down before the consideration of the bill on report which may-


give effect to the committee's recommendations;


otherwise alter or supplement the provisions of the original programme of the bill; or


confirm the original programme order for the bill.