UK Parliament — House of Commons
Order ID:111
Known as:
- Business of supply
- Consideration of estimates
Order numbers:
15, 14, 16, 18, 18A, 19, 52, 54
Cite as
Current version
Date | Title | Text | |||
2022 — 18th October | 54 Consideration of estimates | (1) |
Three days, other than Fridays, shall be allotted in each session for the consideration of estimates set down under the provisions of paragraph (3) of Standing Order No. 145 (Liaison Committee); and not more than one day so allotted may be taken in the form of two half days, not being Fridays. |
(2) |
On any such day- |
(a) |
consideration of estimates or reports of the Liaison Committee relating thereto shall stand as first business; and |
(b) |
other business may be taken before the moment of interruption only if the consideration of estimates has been concluded. |
Provided that the foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall not apply on any day on which time has been allocated pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) of Standing Order No. 24 (Emergency debates). |
(3) |
On any such half day- |
(a) |
proceedings on consideration of estimates or reports of the Liaison Committee relating thereto, standing as first business, shall be interrupted at seven o'clock on Monday, four o'clock on Tuesday or Wednesday or two o'clock on Thursday; or |
(b) |
notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of this order, consideration of estimates or reports of the Liaison Committee relating thereto may be set down for consideration at the hour specified in sub-paragraph (a) above and shall be entered upon at that time: |
Provided that on days on which time has been allocated pursuant to paragraph (2)(b) of Standing Order No. 24 (Emergency debates) or the Chairman of Way and Means has set down opposed private business under paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 20 (Time for taking private business), proceedings under this sub-paragraph shall not be entered upon until the business in question has been disposed of and may then be proceeded with for three hours, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 9 (Sittings of the House). |
(4) |
On any day or half day allotted under this order, questions necessary to dispose of proceedings (other than a dilatory motion) on the estimates on which debate has been concluded shall be deferred until the day and hour prescribed under paragraph (6) of this order. |
(5) |
Any estimates on which questions have been deferred to another day in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (4) and (6) of this order, together with any questions so deferred, and all other estimates appointed for consideration on any previous day or half day allotted under this order shall be set down for consideration on the day to which the questions have been deferred. |
(6) |
On the day to which the provisions of paragraph (2) or (3) of Standing Order No. 55 (Questions on voting of estimates, etc.) apply which falls after or on any day or half-day allotted under this order, the Speaker shall, at the time prescribed in paragraph (1) of that order, put, successively, any questions deferred under paragraph (4) of this order on any previous day or half day allotted under this order, any questions deferred under paragraph (4) of this order on the day and any questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on all other estimates appointed for consideration on any day or half day allotted under this order. |
First appearance
1902 — 1st December | 15 Business of supply |
As soon as the committee of supply has been appointed and estimates have been presented, the business of supply shall, until disposed of, be the first order of the day on Thursday, unless the house otherwise order on the motion of a minister of the crown, moved at the commencement of public business, to be decided without amendment or debate. |
Not more than twenty days, being days before the 5th of August, shall be allotted for the consideration of the annual estimates for the army, navy, and civil services, including votes on account. The days allotted shall not include any day on which the question has to be put that the speaker do leave the chair, or any day on which the business of supply does not stand as first order. |
Provided that the days occupied by the consideration of estimates supplementary to those of a previous session or of any vote of credit, or of votes for supplementary or additional estimates presented by the government for war expenditure, or for any new service not included in the ordinary estimates for the year, shall not be included in the computation of the twenty days aforesaid. |
Provided also that on motion made after notice, to be decided without amendment or debate, additional time, not exceeding three days, may be allotted for the purposes aforesaid, either before or after the 5th of August. |
On a day so allotted, no business other than the business of supply shall be taken before midnight, and no business in committee or proceedings on report of supply shall be taken after midnight, whether a general order for the suspension of the twelve o'clock rule is in force or not, unless the house otherwise order on the motion of a minister of the crown, moved at the commencement of public business, to be decided without amendment or debate. |
Of the days so allotted, not more than one day in committee shall be allotted to any vote on account, and not more than one sitting to the report of that vote. At midnight on the close of the day on which the committee on that vote is taken, and at the close of the sitting on which the report of that vote is taken, the chairman of committees or the speaker, as the case may be, shall forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the vote or the report. |
At ten of the clock on the last day but one of the days so allotted the chairman shall forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the vote then under consideration, and shall then forthwith put the question with respect to each class of the civil service estimates that the total amount of the votes outstanding in that class be granted for the services defined in the class, and shall in like manner put severally the questions that the total amounts of the votes outstanding in the estimates for the navy, the army, and the revenue departments be granted for the services defined in those estimates. |
At ten of the clock on the last, not being earlier than the twentieth, of the allotted days, the speaker shall forthwith put every question necessary to dispose of the report of the resolution then under consideration, and shall then forthwith put, with respect to each class of the civil service estimates, the question, that the house doth agree with the committee in all the outstanding resolutions reported in respect of that class, and shall then put a like question with respect to all the resolutions outstanding in the estimates for the navy, the army, the revenue departments, and other outstanding resolutions severally. |
On the days appointed for concluding the business of supply, the consideration of that business shall not be anticipated by a motion of adjournment, and no dilatory motion shall be moved on proceedings for that business and the business shall not be interrupted under any standing order. |
Any additional estimate for any new matter not included in the original estimates for the year, shall be submitted for consideration in the committee of supply on some day not later than two days before the committee is closed. |
For the purposes of this order two Fridays shall be deemed equivalent to a single day of two sittings. |