UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#75

Major revision of this Fragment

Date Text
1902 — 2nd May That any Oath or Affirmation taken or made by any Witness before The House, or a Committee of the whole House, be administered by the Clerk at the Table.
  • That any Oath or Affirmation taken or made by any Witness before The House, or a Committee of the whole House, be administered by the Clerk at the Table.
  • Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the clerk at the table.
1948 — 28th April Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the clerk at the table.
  • Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the clerk at the table.
  • Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the Clerk.
1971 — 21st January Any oath or affirmation taken or made by any witness before the House, or a committee of the whole House, may be administered by the Clerk.