UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#734

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Current version

2022 — 18th October (9)

The chair may permit Ministers of the Crown to make statements and to answer questions thereon put by Members, in respect of each motion relative to a European Union document or documents referred to a European Committee of which a Minister shall have given notice; but no question shall be taken after the expiry of a period of one hour from the commencement of the first such statement: Provided that the chair may, if he sees fit, allow questions to be taken for a further period of not more than half an hour after the expiry of that period.

First appearance

1990 — 24th October

The chairman may permit a Minister of the Crown to make a statement and to answer questions thereon put by Members, in respect of each motion relative to a European Community document or documents referred to a European Standing Committee of which a Minister shall have given notice; but no question shall be taken after the expiry of a period of one hour from the commencement of the said statement.