UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#694

Major revision of this Fragment

Date Text
1986 — 25th March

Except as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, the standing orders relating to standing committees and Standing Orders No. 84 (Withdrawal of documents before select committee), No. 88 (Entry of questions asked), No. 93 (Witnesses and evidence (select committees)) and No. 94 (Publication of evidence (select committees)) shall apply to any special standing committee.

  • Except as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, the standing orders relating to standing committees and Standing Orders No. 84 (Withdrawal of documents before select committee), No. 88 (Entry of questions asked), No. 93 (Witnesses and evidence (select committees)) and No. 94 (Publication of evidence (select committees)) shall apply to any special standing committee.
  • Except as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, the standing orders relating to standing committees and Standing Orders No. 109 (Withdrawal of documents before select committee), No. 113 (Entry of questions asked), No. 117 (Witnesses and evidence (select committees)) and No. 118 (Publication of evidence (select committees)) shall apply to any special standing committee.
1997 — 19th March

Except as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, the standing orders relating to standing committees and Standing Orders No. 109 (Withdrawal of documents before select committee), No. 113 (Entry of questions asked), No. 117 (Witnesses and evidence (select committees)) and No. 118 (Publication of evidence (select committees)) shall apply to any special standing committee.