UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#517

Cite as

Current version

2022 — 18th October
Name of Committee Principal government departments concerned Maximum members
1 Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 11
2 Defence Ministry of Defence 11
3 Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 11
4 Education Department for Education 11
5 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 11
6 Foreign Affairs Foreign and Commonwealth Office 11
7 Health and Social Care Department of Health and Social Care 11
8 Home Affairs Home Office 11
9 International Development Department for International Development 11
10 International Trade Department for International Trade 11
11 Justice Ministry of Justice (including the work of staff provided for the administrative work of courts and tribunals, but excluding consideration of individual cases and appointments, and excluding the work of the Scotland and Wales Offices and of the Advocate General for Scotland); and administration and expenditure of the Attorney General's Office, the Treasury Solicitor's Department, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Serious Fraud Office (but excluding individual cases and appointments and advice given within government by Law Officers) 11
12 Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities 11
13 Northern Ireland Affairs Northern Ireland Office; administration and expenditure of the Crown Solicitor's Office (but excluding individual cases and advice given by the Crown Solicitor); and other matters within the responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (but excluding the expenditure, administration and policy of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Northern Ireland and the drafting of legislation by the Office of the Legislative Counsel) 13
14 Science and Technology Government Office for Science 11
15 Scottish Affairs Scotland Office (including (i) relations with the Scottish Parliament and (ii) administration and expenditure of the offices of the Advocate General for Scotland (but excluding individual cases and advice given within government by the Advocate General)) 11
16 Transport Department for Transport 11
17 Treasury Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs 11
18 Welsh Affairs Wales Office (including relations with the National Assembly for Wales) 11
19 Women and Equalities Government Equalities Office 11
20 Work and Pensions Department for Work and Pensions 11

First appearance

1979 — 25th June
Name of committee Principal government departments concerned Maximum numbers of Members Quorum
1. Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 9 3
2. Defence Ministry of Defence 10 3
3. Education, Science and Arts Department of Education and Science 9 3
4. Employment Department of Employment 9 3
5. Energy Department of Energy 10 3
6. Environment Department of the Environment 10 3
7. Foreign Affairs Foreign and Commonwealth Office 11 3
8. Home Affairs Home Office 11 3
9. Industry and Trade Department of Industry, Department of Trade 11 3
10. Social Services Department of Health and Social Security 9 3
11. Transport Department of Transport 10 3
12. Treasury and Civil Service Treasury, Civil Service Department, Board of Inland Revenue, Board of Customs and Excise 11 3