UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#454

All versions of this Fragment

Date Text
1971 — 8th March The second Scottish Standing Committee shall consist of not less than sixteen nor more than fifty members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, of whom not less than sixteen members shall represent Scottish constituencies.
1971 — 7th April The second Scottish Standing Committee shall consist of not less than sixteen nor more than fifty members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, of whom not less than sixteen members shall represent Scottish constituencies.
1971 — 16th July The second Scottish Standing Committee shall consist of not less than sixteen nor more than fifty members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, of whom not less than sixteen members shall represent Scottish constituencies.
1971 — 16th November The second Scottish Standing Committee shall consist of not less than sixteen nor more than fifty members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection, of whom not less than sixteen members shall represent Scottish constituencies.