UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#243

Cite as

Current version

2022 — 18th October (3)

When the question has been decided on the first of several motions upon which a bill is to be brought in for imposing, renewing, varying or repealing any charge upon the people, the question on each such further motion shall be put forthwith; and proceedings in pursuance of this paragraph, though opposed, may be decided after the expiration of the time for opposed business.

First appearance

1947 — 4th November

When a minister of the crown in committee of ways and means has moved the first of several motions for imposing, renewing, varying or repealing any charge upon the people, the chairman shall forthwith put the question thereupon and shall then successively put forthwith the question on each further motion moved by the minister, save the last motion; and all such questions shall be decided without amendment or debate.