UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#174

Major revision of this Fragment

Date Text
1982 — 21st December In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.
  • In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.
  • In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 72 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.
1986 — 25th March In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 72 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.
  • In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 72 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.
  • In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.
1997 — 19th March In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.