UK Parliament — House of Commons

Fragment ID:#1110

Major revision of this Fragment

Date Text
2006 — 27th June

The chairman shall have the like powers of selection as are given to the chairman of a standing committee under paragraph (3)(a) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in standing committees).

  • The chairman shall have the like powers of selection as are given to the chairman of a standing committee under paragraph (3)(a) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in standing committees).
  • The chairman shall have the like powers of selection as are given to the chairman of a general committee under paragraph (3)(a) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in general committees).
2010 — 22nd February

The chairman shall have the like powers of selection as are given to the chairman of a general committee under paragraph (3)(a) of Standing Order No. 89 (Procedure in general committees).