HMRC deploy staff flexibly in response to threats to the tax regimes they administer. The full-time equivalents of staff engaged in this work are shown in the following table:<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><TR><TD>Number</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2006-07</TD><TD>2007-08</TD><TD>2008-09</TD><TD>2009-10</TD><TD>2010-11</TD></TR><TR><TD>Tobacco</TD><TD>2,143</TD><TD>2,148</TD><TD>2,176</TD><TD>711</TD><TD>754</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcohol</TD><TD>560</TD><TD>681</TD><TD>656</TD><TD>508</TD><TD>613</TD></TR></Table>These figures represent HMRC's best estimate of the way resources were used in the year specified, bearing in mind that the work of staff employed on anti-fraud and smuggling activity often covers a number of different taxes and commodities.The figure for staff engaged in tobacco smuggling in 2010-11 replaces that provided to the hon. Member for Bristol West (Stephen Williams), in an earlier written answer of 20 March 2012, Official Report, column 620W.From 2009-10 onwards responsibilities, and staff, were transferred to the Border Force in respect of anti-smuggling work at the border. |