<p>The Sellafield Change Programme is being put into place to improve business performance and provide greater value for the public purse while maintaining the priority of safe and secure operations. In relation to terms and conditions of employment, there are two improvements being proposed by Sellafield Ltd: first, changes to the pay and grading structure of existing staff, to ensure that pay and grading is fair and equitable; and second, new terms for new starters that are more closely aligned to market practice. In both cases the business has and will continue to engage with its employees and their representatives on the proposed changes.</p><p> </p><p>Details of the change programme are available<ins class="ministerial"> in the attached.</ins> <del class="ministerial">at:</del></p><p> </p><p><del class="ministerial"><a href="http://www.nda.gov.uk/contracts-and-competition/sellafield-model-change-programme" target="_blank">http://www.nda.gov.uk/contracts-and-competition/sellafield-model-change-programme</a>.</del></p>