<p>The <a href="https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1129728/electric-vehicle-smart-charging-action-plan.pdf" target="_blank">EV Smart Action Plan</a> published earlier this year, estimated that the electrification of cars, vans and HGVs could add 50 – 70 TWh by 2035 and 90 – 140 TWh by 2050 to electricity generation. The Department has not estimated the additional electricity generation or network capacity required specifically from electric logistics vehicles. Ofgem is responsible for regulating networks to deliver for Net Zero. Under the most recent price control, Ofgem has allowed £22.2bn for investment in low voltage networks, including £3.1bn for network upgrades to enable technologies, like electric vehicles, to join the grid.</p> |