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Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Charles Hendry
answer text
The Government recently published a consultation on the consumer engagement strategy for the smart meter roll-out.The consultation sets out the Government's thinking on the objectives, activities and delivery approach for central consumer engagement. A key proposal is for energy suppliers to establish and fund a central delivery body for smart meter consumer engagement. Under a regulated approach, we envisage that the body would be set up no later than the first half of 2013 and publish its first delivery plans in the first quarter of 2014, ensuring that a comprehensive consumer engagement approach is in place before the start of mass roll-out later in 2014. Earlier implementation could be possible if suppliers are able to establish suitable arrangements without regulation.The Government will continue to work with stakeholders during Foundation Stage (which began in April 2011 and will continue until mass roll-out begins in 2014) to promote positive smart metering case studies through the media, counter misinformation and coordinate consistent messages.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
written answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department of Energy and Climate Change
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Charles Hendry
answering person has answer