<p>The current chair appointments to non-departmental public bodies made by the Cabinet Office are listed below:</p><p> </p><p>Baroness Browning Advisory Committee on Business Appointments</p><p>Lord Bew Committee on Standards in Public Life</p><p>Lord Kakkar House of Lords Appointments Commission</p><p>Dr Martin Read CBE Senior Salaries Review Body</p><p>Sir Peter Ainsworth Big Lottery Fund</p><p>Sir George Newman Security Vetting Appeals Panel</p><p>Sir David Normington GCB First Civil Service Commissioner</p><p>The Speaker of the House of Commons (ex officio) Boundary Commissions for England and Wales</p><p> </p><p>In addition, the Cabinet Office publishes a list of chairs of non-departmental public bodies on Gov.uk as part of the <em>Public Bodies</em> series of reports. The most recent report is as of 31 March 2015. Public Bodies is an online publication <em>(</em><a href="http://gov.uk/" target="_blank"><em>gov.uk</em></a><em> and </em><a href="http://data.gov/" target="_blank"><em>data.gov</em></a><em>) </em>and a hard copy of each annual report is available in the Library of the House.</p><p> </p><p> </p>