<p>Following the two recent attacks at Fishmongers’ Hall and HMP Whitemoor, the Government announced a package of funding and legislative changes, including major investment in counter terrorism resources in prisons and probation, which is overseen by the Joint Extremism Unit (JEXU) a joint Home Office and Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation (HMPPS) unit.</p><p>The package of measures include:</p><ul><li><p>Tougher sentences for the most serious terrorist offenders, which will mean dangerous terrorist offenders who receive extended determinate sentences serve their entire sentence</p></li><li><p>Doubling the number of Counter-Terrorism specialist probation staff. These specially trained staff will deliver a set of new, intensive national standards for managing terrorists on licence;</p></li><li><p>These new standards will mean terrorists are subjected to closer monitoring and reporting requirements.</p></li><li><p>An increase in the resources dedicated to training front-line prison and probation staff and;</p></li><li><p>The introduction of polygraph testing.</p></li><li><p>An independent review of our Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).</p></li></ul><p>Following the attack on 2 February in Streatham, the government announced emergency legislation to ensure an end to terrorist offenders getting released automatically, having served half of their sentence with no check or review.</p> |