<p>The following table shows a breakdown of the number of wind installations, as at the end of October 2012, that have been confirmed on the feed-in tariff scheme since it began in April 2010.</p><p><table><thead><tr><td valign="top">Geography<br /></td><td valign="top">CapacitykW<br /></td><td valign="top">Numberof wind installations confirmed through FiTs as at the end of October2012<br /></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td valign="top">UK<br /></td><td valign="top">Lessthan or equal to 500kW<br /></td><td valign="top">3,521<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" /><td valign="top">Morethan 500kW<br /></td><td valign="top">31<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">Scotland<br /></td><td valign="top">Lessthan or equal to 500kW<br /></td><td valign="top">1,308<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" /><td valign="top">Morethan 500kW<br /></td><td valign="top">5<br /></td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><td valign="top">Note:<br />Ofthe 3,552 wind installations confirmed on the FiT scheme in the UK,there are 361 wind installations with no regional information.Therefore, the total number of wind installations quoted for Scotlandcould potentially behigher.<br />Source:<br />CentralFeed-in Tariff Register,Ofgem<br /></td></tr></tfoot></table></p> |