Mrs. Iris Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many planning applications have been received by DOEPlanning Service for domestic properties in the Ards Peninsula, (a) in the five years prior to the publication of the draftArds and Down Area Plan 2015 and (b) since its publication; how many applications in each case were brought before Ardsborough council with a recommendation for refusal; and how many of these applications were subsequently overturned and givenapproval. [208982]Angela Smith: The information requested is as follows.Pre Draft Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 (1998-2002)_________________________________________________________________________________________________.Number Description Number1 Applications Received from 9551 January 1998 until publication ofthe draft Plan2 Of those in (1) above the number brought 159before Ards borough council with aRecommendation of Refusal by DOE PlanningService3 Of those in (2) above the number which 1 Not availablesubsequently had an Approval Decision bythe Department_________________________________________________________________________________________________.Post Draft Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 (2003-04)_________________________________________________________________________________________________.Number Description Number1 Applications Received post Plan up to 721December 20042 Of those in (1) the number brought before 124Ards borough council with a Recommendationof Refusal by the DOE Planning Service3 Of those in (2) above the number which 1 Not availablesubsequently had an Approval Decision bythe Department_________________________________________________________________________________________________.1 It is only possible to provide information for parts A and B of the question as the information required in relation to the numberof applications which subsequently had an approval decision is not held electronically by the Planning Service, and could beobtained only at disproportionate cost. Note: For the purpose of providing these figures the publishing date for the publication ofthe Ards and Down Area Plan has been taken as 1 December 2002.