In 2008-09 (the last year for which the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has published figures), Equatorial Guinea received $11 million in multilateral aid, comprising $5 million from the Global Fund to prevent malaria and treat HIV/AIDS, $4 million from EU institutions to improve governance, $1 million from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for HIV/AIDS education and clean water, and $1 million from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for reproductive health. The UK's imputed share of multilateral aid to Equatorial Guinea was £278,000 in 2008-09. Information on the imputed UK share of multilateral aid is published each year in Statistics on International Development.The Global Fund's grant to Equatorial Guinea for anti-retroviral treatments for HIV/AIDS has now closed and its grant for the provision of anti-malaria bed-nets is nearly closed. Equatorial Guinea does not currently have access to the 10th allocation of the European Development Fund, because it has not ratified the 1st revision of the Cotonou agreement.Along with other donors, the UK makes voluntary or assessed contributions to a range of multilateral development organisations which are not tied to a particular project, sector, or country and can be spent against any activity that relates to the organisation's mandate. It is for the organisations themselves, with approval from their management boards, to decide how best to allocate funding to meet their mandates.Following the Multilateral Aid Review, the UK is pressing to improve performance, results, value for money and fiduciary control in the multilateral development organisations to which we contribute. We do this through technical discussions, high-level meetings between DFID Ministers and senior officials of the organisations concerned, and our membership of the management boards. |