<p>The Healthy Child Programme—Pregnancy and the First Five Years of Life, sets out a universal service for children and. families, with the goal of promoting the health and well-being of children, as part of an integrated approach to supporting children and families. It includes development reviews, screening and immunisation, health promotion and support to parents. This universal programme led by health visitors allows the early identification risks and issues and provides early support and additional help for those who need it. The Government has commissioned a review of the evidence for the Healthy Child Programme to ensure that it remains evidence based.</p><p>The new, four tier health visiting service model (ranging from universal action with communities and families through to more targeted support) will further help to identify families who require additional help.</p><p>We are increasing the number of health visitors, trained nurses or midwives with specialist training in family and community health, by 4,200, who will provide women with professional support during pregnancy and after birth. Also, the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme, which gives support to young, at risk, first time mums, will expand to 16,000 places by 2015.</p> |