<p>The £289m Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) supports industrial sites located in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. To date, we have allocated funding across five competitive application windows. Further allocations will be made this Summer. Allocations by UK region are as follows:</p><p> </p><p>East Midlands: £6.4m</p><p>East of England: £6m</p><p>London: £5.3m</p><p>Northern Ireland: £7.4m</p><p>North East: £7.1m</p><p>North West: £45.8m</p><p>South East: £4.7m</p><p>South West: £743k</p><p>Wales: £28.4m</p><p>West Midlands: £6.3m</p><p>Yorkshire and the Humber: £45.2m</p><p>These figures do not include funding for projects that have chosen to withdraw from the programme.</p>