Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Christopher Smith
answer text
Dr. Tony Wright: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport which of the advisory non-departmental public bodiessponsored by his Department (a) admit members of the public to all board or committee meetings, (b) hold public meetings and (c)have lay or consumer representatives on their boards; and if in each case this is under a statutory requirement. [69965]Mr. Chris Smith: The following table gives the information required:_________________________________________________________________________________________________.NDPB Admit the public to Hold public meetings Lay or consumer board Statutory requirementmeetings membersAdvisory Committee for the No No Yes NoPublic Lending RightAdvisory Committee on No No{1} No{2} NoHistoric Wreck SitesAdvisory Committee on the No No No NoGovernment Art CollectionAdvisory Council on No No No NoLibrariesReviewing Committee on the No{3} No{3} Yes{4} NoExport of Works of ArtRoyal Fine Art Commission No No No NoTheatres Trust No Yes Yes NoTreasure Valuation Committee No No Yes NoFootball Taskforce No Yes Yes No_________________________________________________________________________________________________.{1} The ACHWS holds annual meeting with licensees of designated wreck sites. {2} The ACHWS' membership is balanced to reflect thewider range of interests involved in the area of underwater archaeology, including sport divers. {3} An annual meeting of theAdvisory Council on the Export of Works of Art is held, at which all interested bodies are represented (public institutions and thetrade). {4} The Committee includes representatives with consumer expertise.
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
written answer has answering body
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Christopher Smith
answering person has answer