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John Dominic Battle
answer text
Mr. Dismore: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the deaths of Iranianlaw enforcement personnel in a clash with drug traffickers on 3 November. [100337]Mr. Battle: My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary greatly regrets these tragic deaths and sent a message of condolence to theIranian Foreign Minister. They are another very distressing reflection of the efforts and commitment that Iran has made to combatthe narcotics trade.Hon. Members will recall that, in March this year, the UK donated £300,000 to the United Nations International Drugs ControlProgramme to provide Iranian frontier personnel with 1,020 bullet proof vests. I should like to announce that, following discussionswith the Iranian authorities in Tehran over the weekend, the Government are donating a further £1 million to UNDCP for projects inIran and separately giving £150,000 of bilateral drugs assistance. The UNDCP programme covers training and equipment primarily tostrengthen counter-narcotics work at Iran's borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan. Our proposed bilateral assistance covers trainingand equipment for the border with Turkey and airport controls, areas not covered by the UNDCP programme. Our overall assistancepackage will improve the capacity of Iranian drugs control agencies to combat the traffickers and to stop drugs entering and leavingIran.No suppliers have yet been nominated for the goods covered by this assistance package. The export from the UK of some of the goodsconcerned may be subject to control and an export licence might need to be granted if they are sourced from the UK. If such alicence were granted, this could constitute an exception to our arms embargo on Iran and would be announced.
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Foreign and Commonwealth Office
written answer has answering body
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
John Dominic Battle
answering person has answer