<p>DFID contributes to joint programmes with the Government of India and state governments addressing malnutrition, infant mortality and illiteracy. These projects will benefit 3.4 million children and pregnant women with better nutrition, of which 53% are in Bihar (800,000), Madhya Pradesh (546,000), and Odisha (456,000). The remainder live in India's other low income states. We will help over 300,000 mothers deliver babies more safely with the help of nurses, midwives or doctors (critical for reducing infant mortality). Of this an estimated 77% are in Bihar (88,000), Madhya Pradesh (87,000) and Odisha (57,000).</p><p>Through our support to the Government of India's education programmes, 835,000 children have been enrolled in primary schools and over 700,000</p><p>children will be enrolled in secondary school by 2015. The UK's contribution is not allocated to particular states.</p> |