<p>The Wales Office formed part of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) prior to 2010 and data for the Department was not recorded separately prior to this.</p><p>The Wales Office is reliant on the MOJ for data on absences from 2010 onwards.</p><p>The MOJ is able to provide the data requested only at disproportionate cost.</p><p>The sickness absence levels for the Wales Office over the last three years are shown in the following table:</p><p><table><thead><tr><td valign="top" /><td valign="top">Averageworking days lost(AWDL)<br /></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td valign="top">2010<br /></td><td valign="top">4.9<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">2011<br /></td><td valign="top">7.1<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">2012<br /></td><td valign="top">6.1<br /></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p>The Wales Office uses the MOJ's target for sickness absence levels of 7.5 AWDL. The current AWDL for the whole Civil Service is 7.6.</p>