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Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Edward John Comport Argar
answer text
<p>The Ministry of Justice has published information on the number of women sentenced to immediate custody for theft from shops offences, and the length of these sentences in the Outcomes by Offence data tool available here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p> </p><p>Select ’46 Theft from Shops’ in the Offence filter</p><p>Select ’02: Female’ in the Sex filter</p><p> </p><p>The total women sentenced to immediate custody can be found in row 36 and custodial sentence lengths can be found in row 56 onwards.</p><p> </p><p>The Ministry of Justice does not have a specific classification for (i) non-violent and non-sexual offences and (ii) violent and sexual offences, as offences are classified by indictable or summary offence groupings and prosecutions are counted for principal offences. Broad indictable groups for ’01: Violence against the person’ and ’02: Sexual offences’ can be displayed using the Offence group filter in the above data tool for violent and sexual offences; all other offence groups would broadly cover non-violent and non-sexual offences. However, note that some offences that would be classified as violence (such as common assault and battery) are counted in the summary offences category.</p><p> </p><p>Please note that the figures given in the pivot table relate to defendants for whom these offences were the principal offences for which they were dealt with.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
written answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Edward John Comport Argar
answering person has answer