<p>Arts Council England has a complaints process for its funding streams. This is available on Arts Council England’s website.</p><p>Arts Council England will only reconsider a decision if it finds that a material mistake has been made. For example, an organisation (or individual) can use the complaints process if it believes that:</p><ul><li><p>Arts Council England has delayed, made mistakes or failed to follow its own processes;</p></li><li><p>Arts Council England has failed to give an applicant access to information or has given an applicant incorrect advice or information;</p></li><li><p>Arts Council England has not treated an applicant politely;</p></li><li><p>Arts Council England has unlawfully discriminated against an applicant or not treated an applicant fairly.</p></li></ul><p>Arts Council England uses the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s principles of good complaint handling. If a complainant is dissatisfied with a decision or the way a complaint has been, complainants can refer the complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). Funding decisions by Arts Council England can also be subject to Judicial Review.</p><p> </p>