<p>The civil servants selected to participate in the Public Service Capacity Building Programme are at the top levels of the civil service below the Permanent Secretary level. An Inter-ministerial Standing Selection Committee of the Government of Bangladesh selects training participants on the basis of selection criteria and guidelines agreed with DFID, which include:</p><p>An upper age limit, to focus training on officials with at least seven years left before retirement.</p><p>Proficiency in the English Language, which is tested by the British Council in Dhaka.</p><p>Priority is given to eligible women officers, to encourage greater representation of women in the senior levels of the Bangladesh civil service.</p><p>The average cost for a participant is approximately £4,300 for the training programme. The programme has targeted around 1,700 senior civil servants over seven years, with the aim of covering 74% of senior officers who are expected to reach Permanent Secretary level.</p> |