Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Graham Charles Stuart
answer text
<p>The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero was created in February 2023. The Department has not issued any consultations for which a response is outstanding.</p><p> </p><p>As part of the Machinery of Government changes, the Government inherited 34 ongoing consultations from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy:</p><p>- Review of the energy intensive industries exemption scheme;</p><p>- Considerations for future Contracts for Difference (CfD) rounds;</p><p>- Capacity Market 2023: strengthening security of supply and alignment with net zero;</p><p>- Improving boiler standards and efficiency;</p><p>- Smart Meter Targets Framework: minimum installation requirements for Year 3 (2024) and Year 4 (2025);</p><p>- Review of consents for major energy infrastructure projects and Special Protection Areas, 2022;</p><p>- Data sharing regulations for a safeguard energy tariff;</p><p>- Energy retail: opt-in and testing opt-out switching;</p><p>- Designing a framework for transparency of carbon content in energy products: call for evidence;</p><p>- Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes;</p><p>- Floating Offshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme: request for information;</p><p>- Review of consents for major energy infrastructure projects and Special Protection Areas;</p><p>- Proposals for hydrogen transport and storage business models;</p><p>- Decarbonisation readiness: call for evidence on the expansion of the 2009 Carbon Capture Readiness requirements;</p><p>- Future of the energy retail market: call for evidence;</p><p>- 1st Offshore Carbon Dioxide Storage Licensing Round Appropriate Assessment;</p><p>- UK Emissions Trading Scheme free allocation review: call for evidence;</p><p>- Greenhouse gas removals (GGR) business models;</p><p>- Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating systems in businesses and public buildings off the gas grid;</p><p>- Re-coupling Great Britain electricity auctions for cross-border trade;</p><p>- Exemptions from the requirement for an electricity licence: call for evidence;</p><p>- Climate Change Agreements (CCAs): proposals for a future scheme;</p><p>- Future policy framework for power with carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS): call for evidence;</p><p>- Land rights and consents for electricity network infrastructure: call for evidence;</p><p>- Introducing a performance-based policy framework in large commercial and industrial buildings;</p><p>- Role of biomass in achieving net zero: call for evidence;</p><p>- Cost of energy review: call for evidence;</p><p>- Improving home energy performance through lenders;</p><p>- Potential of marine energy projects in Great Britain: call for evidence;</p><p>- Designing the Green Heat Network Fund: call for evidence;</p><p>- Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid;</p><p>- Green Gas Support Scheme 2022 annual tariff review: call for evidence;</p><p>- Third-party intermediaries in the retail energy market: call for evidence;</p><p>- Non-domestic Private Rented Sector minimum energy efficiency standards: EPC B implementation.</p><p>We will respond to these consultations as soon as possible.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
written answer has answering body
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Graham Charles Stuart
answering person has answer