Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Daniel Grian Alexander
answer text
For each PFI project a special purpose project company is established by the private sector equity sponsors. It is with this project company that the public sector authority contracts under PFI for the delivery of an asset and services over the project term.For most sectors, the project contract requires the project company to confirm that it is a UK resident company, and to undertake that it will remain so for the duration of the contract.Treasury does not hold information on any PFI contracts that would indicate that project companies have migrated overseas, however Treasury and HMRC cannot verify this as the Treasury does not hold the names of the special purpose project company for each PFI project—this information is held by each procuring authority.UK resident PFI contractors, facilities management services and fund management companies, regardless of their shareholders' registered jurisdiction, are within the charge to UK corporation tax on profits earned within the UK.
answer given date
answer has answering body
HM Treasury
written answer has answering body
HM Treasury
HM Treasury
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Daniel Grian Alexander
answering person has answer