<p>In 2011-12 DFID delivered £336 million of bilateral assistance through UK Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). In 2011-12 DFID delivered a total of £4,204 million of bilateral assistance. Therefore, the proportion of bilateral assistance delivered through UK CSOs was 7.99%.</p><p>More detail is available in the Statistics on International Development publication at:</p><p>http://www.dfid.gov.uk/About-us/How-we-measure-progress/Aid-Statistics/Statistics-on-International-Development-2012/SID-2012-Key-Statistics/</p><p>For a breakdown of exactly which Civil Society Organisations received money from DFID please see:</p><p>http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Documents/publications1/sid2012/Table19-CSOs.xls</p>