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Written answer
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John Dominic Battle
answer text
Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what support and assistance his Department isproviding to civic and human rights groups in (a) Colombia, (b) Ecuador, (c) Bolivia and (d) Peru. [101511]Mr. Battle: The information is as follows:(a) Columbia: Our Embassy in Bogota maintains close contacts with a range of civic and human rights groups in Colombia. Through theFCO's Conflict Prevention Fund and the Embassy's Small Grants Scheme, we have contributed funds to a number of groups, such as TheCitizen's Mandate for Peace, Life and Liberty Project Fund, which encourages debate within civil society. We have also contributedfunds towards human rights organisations monitoring the human rights situation in the department of Antioquia (amongst the mostviolent departments in Colombia). We also provide human rights training to the Colombian Police Force.(b) Ecuador: We work closely with a number of independent human rights groups including the Human Rights Permanent Assembly (APDH)and the Latin American Human Rights Association (ALDHU). More than £41,000 has been disbursed from the Human Rights Project Fundthis financial year to promote rights awareness in Ecuador. This includes funding for a project being administered by APDH toencourage young people to learn about their human, social, economic and cultural rights and how to promote them. In addition, theBritish Embassy in Quito are supporting a number of other projects aimed at helping street children, indigenous groups anddisadvantaged women.(c) Bolivia: £42,500 has been provided this financial year from the Human Rights Project Fund to support the office of the HumanRights Ombudsman. The Ombudsman, Mrs. Ana Maria Romero, paid a successful Foreign and Commonwealth Office Sponsored Visit to the UKin November 1999. The main purpose of her visit was to see how the British Government promote human rights. Our Embassy in La Pazhave close contacts with a number of human rights groups in Bolivia including Red Andina, CEDOIN, the Permanent Assembly for HumanRights and AMANACER, a charity which helps street children.(d) Peru: We maintain close and regular contact with a number of NGOs and independent human rights groups in Peru including theNational Co-ordinator for Human Rights, an umbrella organisation which represents more than 50 NGOs working in the human rightsfield. We also maintain close contact with both the Ombudsman and the Ad Hoc Commission of Human Rights. In November 1999, theDeputy Ombudsman of Peru, Dr. Gino Costa, paid a successful FCO Sponsored Visit to the UK. He attended a human rights seminar in theHouse of Lords, and was keen to hear about HMG's policies on human rights, particularly in the context of Northern Ireland. We haveprovided £61,961 this financial year from the Human Rights Project Fund to assist the Ombudsman and Commission with its work andresearch. In November, the Department for International Development provided more than £20,000 for an electoral assistance projectin Peru. More than £93,000 has been disbursed since April 1999 from HRPF to support projects administered by independent humanrights groups.
answer given date
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Foreign and Commonwealth Office
written answer has answering body
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
John Dominic Battle
answering person has answer